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BBL Shapes

When considering Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery, two of the most important decisions you will make are the desired shape and size you wish to achieve. There are many different BBL shapes, and the shape you decide on will be based on your size, and the shape of your frame. Getting the correct shape for your BBL will make sure you have a flattering and natural result. Cadogan Clinic has brought together several leading international BBL surgeons on our team, who carry out many hundreds of these procedures each year. 

Understanding Natural Buttock Shapes

During your bespoke consultation at our award-winning clinic, your surgeon will carefully examine and measure your natural buttocks. It is important that they understand your natural shape and size so they can explain the surgical results that are possible for you. Your surgeon will identify your natural buttock shape from four options: A-Shaped, H-Shaped, O-Shaped and V-Shaped. Each of these shapes are associated with different body shapes and figures and the results that are possible for each natural shape, are different. Your surgeon will take your natural buttock shape into account when they are advising you on your desired surgical results and will discuss the most realistic BBL shapes possible for you. 

A-Shaped Buttocks

A-Shaped, also known as inverted heart shaped, buttocks, usually hold their weight at the base of the buttock and across the thighs, moving into a smaller waist. This creates an ‘A’ or upside down heart shape. This buttock shape is associated with a curvy, hourglass figure. Many patients are looking to achieve this shape from BBL surgery. For those who have this figure naturally, they are often looking to enhance their natural shape further. 

H-Shaped Buttocks

Also known as square buttocks, H-Shaped buttocks may appear slightly flat, or angled in shape. The waist and hips tend to be quite straight up and down, possibly with some fat around the hips, instead of a smooth curve inwards to the waist, as many patients desire. Patients with this natural shape are usually looking to create an overall more curved, rounded appearance and enhance the shape of the waist and hips as well as increasing the size of their buttocks. 

O-Shaped Buttocks

O-Shaped buttocks are highly rounded, with equal amounts of fat distributed throughout the bottom. Along with A-Shaped buttocks, this is another popular desired shape for patients who are considering BBL surgery. For patients who have O-Shaped buttocks naturally, Brazilian Butt Lift may enhance the shape of their waist, providing a more hourglass figure to frame their buttocks. 

V-Shaped Buttocks

In contrast to A-Shaped buttocks, V-Shaped buttocks, also known as an Inverted Triangle, hold most of their weight at the top of the buttocks, closer to the waist. This can affect the overall shape of the bottom, making it look narrower towards the thighs - creating an unbalanced appearance. Most patients with V-Shaped Buttocks, have a body often described as apple shape, where all of the weight is carried around the middle, with slimmer legs and arms. Patients who naturally have V-Shaped buttocks consider a BBL to add more volume to the base of their buttocks and create a more rounded appearance. V Shape BBL is also not a popular result as this is usually a shape patients are trying to enhance and move away from, rather than achieve. 

The different types of BBL Shapes

Hourglass BBL shapes are a popular desired result, as it creates a smaller, contoured (or snatched) waist, with wider hips and buttocks, tapering into contoured thighs. This shape is most suited to those who have naturally H-Shaped or V Shaped buttocks, with an apple shaped body, and are looking to dramatically change their proportions and shape. Those with A-Shaped buttocks, may also consider an Hourglass BBL to further enhance their natural proportions, although the final result may be more subtle.  

Heart Shape BBL

Similar in many ways to the Hourglass BBL, the Heart Shaped BBL adds more volume to the base of the buttocks, with less volume in the upper buttocks and a smaller waist to create the shape of an upside down heart. This is also a popular desired shape and highly suited to naturally A-Shaped, H-Shaped and V-Shaped buttocks.  
Surgical techniques are constantly developing, and we can expect to see BBL surgery continue to be popular, but also with continually better results. 

Square-Shaped BBLs

Although many women are not looking for square buttocks, it is not unusual for men who are seeking Male BBL (add link to treatment page) to desire a more angular, less rounded shape. This results in a more masculine and lean final appearance. Liposuction will be used to remove excess fat from the abdomen, flanks and thighs to define the muscles and techniques such as etching can also be used to emphasise the final result. 

Round or O-Shaped BBL

For patients who are hoping for an overall more rounded shape, and volume in the upper and lower sections of their buttocks, the O-Shaped BBL is the usual technique used. This results in round buttocks, contoured waist and thighs, and lifted buttocks. This technique is also associated with a higher amount of fat being injected. The Round BBL is suited to all natural buttock shapes, as volume is added throughout the entire buttocks and creates an overall rounded shape. 
Patients who have undergone BBL procedures at Cadogan Clinic, achieving all of these shapes have been delighted with their results and the new shape and volume of their buttocks. 

What is the best shape for BBL?

When considering BBL, most patients are looking to increase the volume of their buttocks in a flattering way, adding lift and restoring perkiness while contouring their waist and hips. Depending on your desired results, either an hourglass or round BBL are the most popular choices. Your surgeon will discuss the benefits of each option with you in your consultation, and explain what the best approach is for you. 

Can a BBL be reshaped?

If you aren’t completely satisfied with the final result of your BBL, your surgeon may suggest a secondary surgery to adjust the shape and add more volume. In all fat grafting procedures, it is normal to lose up to 50% of the fat that is originally injected. To counteract this, your surgeon can propose a surgical plan for you which includes multiple procedures to achieve your desired results. If you do not wish to undergo multiple surgeries, your surgeon may be able to inject extra fat, to take into account the natural fat loss. However, this approach is less controlled as the exact amount of fat lost post-surgery varies between every patient. For patients who are having a number of surgeries, it is normal to wait at least 6 months between BBL procedures to ensure you have fully healed following the previous surgery and the fat transfer has settled. 

Meet our BBL surgeons

Cadogan Clinic is at the centre of developing BBL surgery to be safe and effective. Our highly talented consultant surgeons have performed thousands of BBL surgeries in their careers and have helped to develop the national safety guidelines in consultations with the UK trade body BAAPS
Dr Daniel Del Vecchio is one of the world’s leading fat transfer specialists. Having published over 30 papers on the topics of fat transfer and patient safety, as well as having taught BBL techniques on 6 continents, Dr Del Vecchio is dedicated not only to performing BBL surgery, but also to ensuring patient safety is ensured internationally. His results are bespoke for every patient and he is able to achieve the results you are looking for, making sure the final result is natural and flattering. 
Mr Omar Tillo is a consultant surgeon, specialising in body contouring and fat transfer. Mr Tillo has played a central role in developing the national safety guidelines for BBL surgery to ensure high standards of care as well as the best results for all patients. He is dedicated to achieving flattering patient results and is highly skilled in explaining the results you can expect from your BBL procedure. Mr Tillo’s specialism in body contouring and Liposuction procedures means he has a well-rounded approach and understanding to every element of the BBL procedure which he applies to every surgery he undertakes. 
If you are considering BBL surgery and want to speak with one of our specialist surgeons, please contact our dedicated patient advisors to organise a one to one consultation at our centre of excellence based in the heart of London. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

The natural range of buttock shapes is completely natural. While some people are content with their natural contours, others seek enhancement, desiring rounder buttocks or more volume at the bottom of the buttocks to create an upside down heart shape. Brazilian Butt Lift surgery offers an effective option for those looking to achieve this specific look. By using the patient's own fat to sculpt and augment the buttocks, we can create a fuller appearance that achieves the patient's desired results. Our approach is guided by patient preferences, ensuring each individual achieves their ideal buttock shape.
Mr. Bryan Mayou

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