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When excess fat tissue develops as a result of Lymphoedema, Liposuction is a treatment that tackles the condition's long-term effects. Read on to learn more about Lymphoedema, and whether Liposuction is the right treatment for you.
Lymphoedema is a chronic disorder that results in tissue swelling due to a build-up of protein-rich fluid, called lymph, which is discharged through the lymphatic system of the body. Although it typically affects the arms or legs, it can also happen in the chest wall, abdomen, neck, or genitalia.
Severe Lymphoedema can impair motion in the affected limb, raise the risk of sepsis and skin infections, and cause skin abnormalities and disintegration.
Lymphoedema is caused by a malfunction of the lymphatic system. This is a system of arteries and glands found all over the body. Its function is to remove excess fluid from tissues and fight infection (this is why your Lymph nodes swell when you are unwell).
Lymphoedema may result from the lymphatic system developing improperly, being damaged, or having more fluid than normal in the bodily tissues.
Lymphoedema comes in two forms:
Depending on whether Lymphoedema is primary or secondary, different risk factors apply.
Primary Lymphoedema runs in families. It occurs when the genes involved in the lymphatic system's development have flaws, which prevent it from properly draining fluid. Having close family members who suffer from Primary Lymphoedema is the biggest risk factor.
Secondary Lymphoedema develops as a result of another lymphatic system disorder. Risk factors include:
Muscle activity encourages the passage of fluid along the lymphatic vessels, which aids in lymphatic drainage. Reduced mobility can therefore increase the likelihood of Lymphoedema. People may be at risk of developing Lymphoedema if they have prolonged periods of decreased motion, such as from illness, nerve damage, or arthritis.
In some instances, severe bruising and soft tissue injuries can raise the risk of Lymphoedema. Burns, crush injuries, or other types of trauma can all cause Lymphoedema to occur.
Vascular diseases
The risk of Lymphedema can increase in situations that alter the veins' ability to carry blood. Fluid may overflow into the tissue spaces through unhealthy veins. This eventually exhausts the lymphatic system's components in charge of fluid drainage.
A bacterial skin infection called cellulitis can raise your chance of developing Lymphoedema. Damage to the tissue surrounding the lymphatic system may result from severe cellulitis. Scarring and poor drainage result from this. Lymphoedema can also be brought on by a parasite infection called filariasis. Thread-like worms live in the lymphatic system of filariasis patients and obstruct lymphatic drainage.
Lymphedema risk can be increased by illnesses like arthritis and other conditions that result in chronic inflammation. Inflammation has the potential to damage or even destroy components of the lymphatic system.
Lymphoedema's primary symptom is swelling, which can make it difficult to fit into clothing or cause jewellery and watches to feel constrictive. Lymphoedema can affect one or more limbs or other parts of the body. This may lead to self-consciousness or a drop in confidence.
The swelling may first come and go. It could deteriorate during the day before improving at night. Without therapy, it typically gets worse and persists longer.
Additional symptoms of Lymphoedema include:
There are a number of treatments for Lymphoedema depending on the extent of the condition and the areas that it is affecting. These treatments typically focus on reducing swelling, improving lymphatic drainage and preventing complications:
When lymphatic fluid leaks into the tissues around the body, it can lead to inflammation and encourage the growth of fat stem cells. The additional fat that Lymphoedema has produced is removed by your surgeon using Liposuction.
Liposuction is an effective treatment for Lymphoedema, especially in cases where other treatments such as compression therapy or physical therapy have not produced the desired results. Your surgeon will recommend trying other treatments for Lymphoedema before trying Liposuction. Liposuction for Lymphoedema can improve mobility and physical comfort.
Lymphoedema Liposuction involves your surgeon making small incisions in the areas of the body that are being treated. Liposuction can treat Lymphoedema in legs, arms and abdomen. They then insert a tube called a cannula, before the excess fat is broken up using physical motion, pressurised water, or laser. The broken down fat is then extracted through the tube and the incisions are stitched up.
Depending on the extent of the surgery, recovery from Liposuction is usually between 4-6 weeks. Your surgeon will have concealed your incisions in discreet locations, meaning your scarring will be minimal. During your recovery, you will need to wear compression garments to prevent swelling and to protect the surgical area. You will also need to avoid any strenuous activity and heavy lifting for up to 6 weeks. Lymphoedema can return following Liposuction, especially if the underlying causes of the condition are not treated.
A healthy lifestyle can both lower your chance of developing Lymphoedema and help you manage the condition if you currently have it.
This includes:
Eating a balanced, nutritious diet
A balanced, healthy diet helps to manage Lymphoedema by:
Exercising regularly
Regular exercise will help to treat and manage Lymphoedema by:
Cadogan Clinic is a private clinic offering Lymphoedema treatment, through Liposuction and our surgeons are leading experts in their respective fields. If you’re considering undertaking any of the procedures mentioned, get in touch with us today for a consultation with an experienced surgeon.
Mr. Bryan Mayou
Liposuction has emerged as a valuable tool in the treatment of Lymphoedema, a condition that can cause significant discomfort for patients. Liposuction has shown promising results in reducing swelling and improving symptoms associated with Lymphoedema. Having introduced Liposuction to the UK 40 years ago, I am pleased to see its evolving role in addressing conditions that impact the lives of so many individuals. Our commitment remains to provide innovative solutions and personalized care to help patients find relief and enhance their quality of life.Mr. Bryan Mayou
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