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What Is Loose Skin After Pregnancy?

It is normal for the skin around the abdomen to become loose following pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, the skin has to stretch as the baby grows. After giving birth, the body will try to return to its pre-pregnancy shape. However, often, the skin has become stretched and can’t retract to its previous position. Although this can happen after one pregnancy, it is more common following multiple pregnancies. This can result in sagging, wrinkled skin around the lower abdomen.

Many women are worried about having a postpartum belly and find that it affects their confidence. This may lead to them changing the way they dress, or not taking part in activities such as swimming or sports. Having loose skin around the abdomen can also cause rubbing on clothing and feel uncomfortable. This may exacerbate the emotional concerns women have about their post-pregnancy belly and body.

Sadly, the loose skin that can occur following pregnancy and childbirth can lead to physical and emotional discomfort, which may take away from the joy of having a new baby in the family. There are several non-surgical and surgical treatment options that can help address post-pregnancy loose skin. 

What Causes Loose Skin After Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the abdomen has to expand to make room for the growing baby. This is enabled by the production of a hormone called Relaxin, which relaxes the ligaments and tissues, allowing the body to stretch and creating more room for the baby.

As well as the abdomen expanding, the overlying skin has to stretch. When the muscles and tissues of the abdomen return to their previous position after giving birth, the skin may not be able to retract, leaving loose abdominal skin after pregnancy.  

Not every woman is affected by loose skin to the same extent, and some women may not have any loose skin after pregnancy. Many factors impact how likely it is that a woman may be left with persistent loose skin following pregnancy and childbirth. Genetics, weight gain during pregnancy, and exercise and nutrition can all impact how much loose skin a woman may be left with after pregnancy. 

Can You Prevent Loose Skin After Pregnancy?

Many women are keen to prevent extra skin after pregnancy. There are a number of steps that may help to limit postpartum loose skin. Unfortunately, in some cases, it isn’t possible to prevent loose skin from occurring, and this may be due to genetics, the skin having to stretch further due to a multiple pregnancy, or the position of the baby.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle During Pregnancy

Limiting the excess weight gained during pregnancy may be the most effective way to reduce the amount of loose skin that develops. It is normal to gain some weight during pregnancy, and your midwife will monitor your weight to ensure you are healthy and your pregnancy is advancing as expected. However, gaining weight outside of these parameters may not be good for your health and may also lead to the skin stretching further, causing more loose skin. 

It is possible to prevent excess weight gain through a healthy diet and exercise during pregnancy. The Office on Women’s Health in America states that women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to return to a moderate weight after they have given birth. Your midwife will be able to advise on the right amount of exercise that is suitable for you.


Moisturising the Skin

Keeping your skin hydrated with moisturiser during pregnancy and after giving birth will help it to remain flexible, meaning it is more likely to return to its previous position. Use a moisturiser which is safe for use during pregnancy and contains ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Colloidal Oat, Shea Butter and Ceramides to keep skin hydrated and strong during pregnancy.



As well as being an excellent source of nutrition for your baby, breastfeeding can also help you to lose weight following childbirth. Your body uses a significant proportion of the calories you consume to produce milk, which leads to the body storing less fat to maintain milk production.

This may help you to lose any weight gained during pregnancy and may also encourage the skin to return to its previous position. However, it is also important to consider that if you lose weight too quickly, this may also contribute to sagging skin. Finding the right balance is important to get the personal benefits of breastfeeding. 

How to Get a Flat Stomach After Giving Birth

There are several options available to help reduce loose skin following pregnancy and childbirth. The right option for you will depend on the extent of the loose skin, and any other concerns you may have.


Diet and Exercise

Eating a diet rich in protein and collagen and developing an exercise routine which incorporates strength training may help to restore the tone of loose skin around the abdomen after pregnancy.

A diet rich in collagen and protein will help to rebuild the key components which make up the skin. This will restore the tone and strength of the skin, reducing laxity and tightening the skin.

Diet and exercise may only be a suitable treatment for minor cases of loose skin after pregnancy and in more severe instances, other solutions may be more appropriate. 

Radiofrequency Microneedling

Radiofrequency Microneedling is a non-surgical treatment involving minuscule needles puncturing the uppermost layer of the skin while Radiofrequency energy is applied, heating the deeper layers of the skin. This stimulates collagen production, which strengthens and remodels the skin while also tightening it.  

This option is effective for anyone experiencing mild to moderate skin laxity in a relatively small area such as the lower abdomen. For anyone who has larger areas of extensive loose skin after pregnancy, surgical options may be more effective. 

Tummy Tuck

Also known as Abdominoplasty, Tummy Tuck is a surgical procedure which removes and tightens excess skin around the abdomen, resulting in a toned and flat stomach.

There are several Abdominoplasty methods. In addition to tightening loose skin, your consultant can remove stubborn fat using Liposuction and repair any muscle damage that may have been caused by pregnancy.

Tummy Tuck is an effective and permanent solution for anyone who has extensive loose skin following pregnancy. 


Mummy Makeover

As well as loose skin around the abdomen, there are many other concerns which commonly affect women who have just given birth. Sagging breasts or cosmetic gynaecological concerns are also issues which many women are hoping to resolve following pregnancy and childbirth.

Mummy Makeover (also known as a Mommy Makeover) is a surgical option combining different procedures depending on your individual concerns. Mummy Makeover aims to resolve aesthetic and functional concerns caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Popular procedures which can make up a Mummy Makeover include:

  • Abdominoplasty
  • Liposuction
  • Breast Uplift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Labiaplasty
  • Vaginoplasty

Your consultant will help you decide the most suitable procedures for you during your initial consultation. 

When is the Best Time to Treat Loose Skin After Pregnancy?

To get the most from your loose skin treatment, it is important to get the timing right. Although it may be tempting to resolve your loose skin following your first pregnancy, this may be counteractive if you are planning on having more children. Becoming pregnant after Tummy Tuck surgery is a good example.

Pregnancy after Tummy Tuck surgery may lead to the benefits being lost and having to undergo further surgeries. Although it isn’t dangerous to be pregnant after Abdominoplasty, you may find that your aesthetic results are undone.  

An experienced and reputable consultant plastic surgeon will recommend waiting until you have finished your family before you undergo a Tummy Tuck or Mummy Makeover surgery. For surgical procedures, you will need to wait 6-12 months following giving birth. 

In Summary

Loose skin following pregnancy and childbirth is a common concern for many women and can cause a loss of confidence. There are a number of surgical and non-surgical solutions which can effectively address postpartum loose skin. If you are interested in discussing your concerns with a consultant plastic surgeon, contact our dedicated surgical patient advisors today who will answer your questions, and organise an in-person consultation for you.

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

Loose skin after pregnancy is a common concern for many women, and can have a significant impact on confidence. Throughout my career I have seen the benefits of both non-surgical and surgical options for reducing loose skin caused by pregnancy and childbirth, and how it can dramatically improve self-esteem at a crucial time in women’s lives.
Mr. Bryan Mayou

Frequently Asked Questions

Post pregnancy belly concerns can be treated at any time following your final pregnancy. If you are concerned about having signs of a postpartum belly after 2 years following pregnancy, you may wish to speak to a plastic surgeon as they will be able to advise if you have experienced muscle damage which is giving the appearance of a flabby stomach after pregnancy

It is a common sight to see a celebrity who has just given birth, in a magazine or on social media with a washboard stomach, looking as though they were never pregnant at all.

Seeing these photos can make many women feel very insecure about their own postpartum body. It is important to remember that many celebrities have access to personal trainers, nutritionists, and other experts throughout their pregnancy, and many of them do not publicly declare that they may have had surgery to lose extra skin after pregnancy.

After you have given birth, try not to compare your body to others, celebrities and those that you know. Everyone’s body responds differently to pregnancy and childbirth and not everyone will talk about how they addressed any concerns they had. 

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