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Knee liposuction - How to lose knee fat

Knee liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure designed to remove fatty deposits from the knees. These stubborn pockets of fat usually appear at the inner side of the knee, but some people also require treatment for fat above the front of the knee.

Tagged: Body & Breast

Date: 3rd January 2022

Medically Reviewed by:  Mr. Bryan Mayou (GMC: 1414396)

Last reviewed: 19th January 2024

What is knee liposuction?

Knee liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to remove fatty deposits from the knees.

These stubborn pockets of fat usually appear at the inner side of the knee, but some people also require treatment for fat above the front of the knee. 

In knee fat removal, the surgeon will use one of a number of available methods such as physical movement, pressurised liquid, or laser, to break up the fat cells before they are sucked out using a special machine. 

The result is more slimline and symmetrical knees. Knee liposuction is often combined with liposuction on other parts of the leg, particularly the thigh, to enhance the overall result.

What does it involve?

Your knee Liposuction will be carried out as a day case at our award-winning Chelsea clinic. 

On the day of the procedure, you will be sedated and the consultant will then make a series of tiny incisions before inserting a fine tube called a cannula into the treatment area. The cannula is moved around to break up the fat cells before the unwanted fat cells are sucked out using a vacuum. The treatment area is drained of any excess fluid and blood before being dressed. You will be able to leave the clinic with a friend or family member on the same day as your Knee Liposuction. 

Once these fat cells are removed, they do not grow back, meaning your knees will keep their new shape, as long as you maintain a healthy weight. 

Liposuction to remove fatty deposits from the inner side of the knee is a quick and easy procedure, which can be carried out under a local anaesthetic. Lipo will remove this fat without leaving any loose skin behind. Knee Liposuction can also remove fat sitting above the front of the knee. 

However some of the small bulges visible at the front of the knee are caused by deeper pockets of fat. Sometimes these can prove inaccessible to liposuction. However our expert surgeons at the Cadogan Clinic have developed a special technique for this problem area. 

It is important that you follow all the aftercare instructions issued by your surgeon, including wearing a compression garment and not exercising for a certain period of time. If you follow these instructions, you should expect a full recovery from your knee liposuction within six weeks. 

What are the benefits?

Knee Liposuction is a simple procedure, but it can produce life-changing results, with many people keen to get rid of knee fat. 

The main improvement you will notice is that you will be left with thinner knees. If Knee Liposuction is combined with Thigh Liposuction, this will leave the whole leg looking leaner and more toned. Sometimes Thigh Liposuction will need to be carried out to enhance the result of the Knee Liposuction treatment. For example, fat and skin at the front of the lower thigh tends to fold as a crescent above the knee, so additional liposuction of the thigh will help to enhance the overall result. 

Liposuction is also a great way to tackle the problem of asymmetry, making sure the knees look the same size and shape. 

By improving the aesthetic of fat knees using Liposuction, this can improve self-confidence and self-esteem. If you are so unhappy with the appearance of your knees that it prevents you from wearing certain items of clothing, for example shorts, skirts or swimwear, then Knee Lipo will give you back the confidence to dress how you want. This in turn will improve your mental wellbeing. It is important to understand that Knee Liposuction is not a treatment for cellulite. However there are treatments which can be carried out alongside Knee Liposuction to help with this particular problem. Any sagging skin left behind after your Knee Liposuction can be removed via surgical excision. 

Who is suitable?

Cadogan Clinic considers individuals fit for Knee Liposuction, if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are physically and psychologically fit and healthy 
  • Are a healthy weight and not obese
  • Are bothered by the appearance of fat knees
  • Have knee fat which cannot be removed by diet and exercise alone
  • Have realistic expectations of what can be achieved through knee liposuction
  • Are over the age of 18 

What treatments can be combined with this form of liposuction?

Knee Liposuction can be combined with other treatments, including Liposuction on other parts of the body, such as the calf, ankle, buttocks and back. Inner thigh fat is associated with knee fat, so many patients opt to undergo Thigh Liposuction at the same time as Knee Liposuction. 

Once fat has been removed from the knees via liposuction, it can be used in a treatment called fat transfer. This surgical treatment sees the fat removed from one area of the body and introduced to another part of the body via injection. Fat transfer is often used by surgeons to introduce volume to parts of the body such as the lips and cheeks. If you want to use the extracted fat in a fat transfer procedure, the surgeon will opt for the best liposuction method to preserve this fat.

If your knee fat is the result of gaining weight during pregnancy, Knee Liposuction can be incorporated into our Mummy Makeover surgery. A Mummy Makeover is a combination of surgeries mainly involving the breast, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs designed to restore a woman’s body to its original contours and appearance prior to childbearing. 

Another treatment that you may wish to consider if you are planning to have knee liposuction is Cellulaze, a sophisticated laser treatment designed to treat cellulite. 

Book an appointment with our consultant to discuss which treatment options are available to you.

Why do we get fat knees?

Women can develop excess knee fat during puberty when oestrogen levels increase. In later life, with the advance of menopause, this problem deteriorates with weight gain and increased skin laxity. Once you hit menopause, your metabolism slows with age, resulting in weight gain in all areas of the body. 

Fat knees often go hand-in-hand with inner thigh fat. When fatty deposits are found in the knees, hips and inner thighs, this can also be a symptom of trochanteric lipodystrophy, which is more commonly found in women rather than men. 

Although age and gender play a key role in the appearance of fat knees, the problem may also be down to genetics. 

Fat knees can also be due to overall weight gain, caused by an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise and physical activity. Women also tend to gain weight around the thighs and knees during pregnancy. It can be notoriously difficult to shed pregnancy pounds. 

What else can I do to reduce fat in these areas?

A lot of people struggle with how to get rid of knee fat. Luckily there are a number of things that you can do to tackle the problem of fat knees. 

  • Increase your exercise to 150 minutes per week, as recommended by the NHS. Running and jogging are great ways to burn fat and strengthen the area around the front of the knees – remember to stretch to avoid injury. Squats, lunges and skipping with a rope are also highly effective for toning the knees and cause less impact. 
  • Improve your diet by eating more fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and lean protein and cutting out sugary treats and alcohol
  • Weight loss pills and supplements are available over-the-counter, at health food shops and on prescription, but these are not intended as a stand alone answer to weight loss.  

However, as knee fat is often down to genes, sometimes there is very little you can do to rid yourself of fat knees. Despite our very best efforts, some fat cannot be lost through diet and exercise alone.  

Knee liposuction is the best way of getting rid of stubborn fatty deposits in one quick and easy treatment. Book an appointment with one of our expert consultants here at the Cadogan Clinic to discuss how we can help you to reach your body goals. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

Liposuction for the knees presents an opportunity for precise sculpting, leading to significant results that can improve patient confidence. Over the last 40 years, witnessing the transformative effects of targeting small, specific areas is incredibly rewarding. Patients often express newfound comfort and confidence in showcasing their knees, in skirts and shorts a testament to the power of tailored interventions in enhancing both physical appearance and self-assurance.
Mr. Bryan Mayou

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