Best Clinic UK - Aesthetics Awards 2024
& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024
When it comes to cosmetic surgery, one of the most common issues that people seek help for is cellulite. The appearance of cellulite can often leave people feeling less than happy with how their body looks. The important point to remember is that this is an extremely common problem so you are not alone. Around 90% of women have issues with cellulite. Although people may not commonly associate this condition with men, 20% of them also have the same issue.
Even though it may be common, that doesn’t stop people from exploring how to get rid of cellulite. The appearance of cellulite can lead to them feeling uncomfortable and sometimes even embarrassed. It is common for people to stop wearing certain types of clothing so that their cellulite can not be seen and it may also cause issues when it comes to intimacy. If you’d like to know more about this condition and look at how to get rid of cellulite then read on.
Cellulite is a common skin condition that can affect both sexes, although it is far more common in women than men. The condition is physically harmless, but it can bring distress to those who suffer from it and it can have a major impact on their emotional wellbeing. It causes your skin to have a lumpy and dimpled appearance. The way it looks is often described as being like cottage cheese or orange peel.
You can see mild cellulite by pinching your skin together in the areas where you think that you may have it. Severe cases of cellulite are more obvious and you can clearly see that your skin has a rumpled and bumpy appearance to it. Cellulite is harmless and does not cause any physical pain. The reason that people look at how to get rid of cellulite is because of how it makes them feel emotional. Its presence can have a negative impact on them psychologically.
People often want to know what causes cellulite in the hope that they can prevent it from appearing. It is rarely the case that you can do this. Cellulite is thought to be caused by fibrous connective cords. These attach the skin to your muscle and there is fat in between. As fat cells build up they push up against the skin at the same time that the cords are pulling down. This leads to a bumpy, up and down, appearance on your skin.
Being overweight can make the appearance of cellulite more obvious. However, fit people who are at an ideal weight still suffer from cellulite. This is because it is not just about weight and fitness. Although an inactive lifestyle can put you more at risk there are other factors such as hormones and genetics. When looking at what causes cellulite, family history is something that you are unable to avoid.
Cellulite can appear on many parts of the body. It causes people concern when it is in areas that can be seen when wearing certain types of clothing. Those with severe cellulite are often reluctant to wear shorts or swimsuits as they don’t want to reveal the bumpy flesh to others. As well as a cellulite bum, cellulite legs, and a cellulite stomach, it is also common for cellulite to appear on hips, thighs, and breasts.
Cellulite legs can make people extremely self-conscious and lead to them changing the way that they dress. Men may be less willing to wear shorts or swimwear whereas women may avoid shorts or skirts and dresses. A cellulite stomach can lead to a loss of body confidence and a cellulite bum may make intimacy more difficult as people are often embarrassed by the condition.
When looking at how to get rid of cellulite people are often interested in what surgical options exist to treat it. As we have seen, there is no medical reason to remove cellulite. Physically it is harmless but it can, and does, have an emotional impact on those that suffer from severe cases.
Some of the surgical options that exist to get rid of cellulite include liposuction and fat grafting. Lipo can be used to destroy and remove fat cells by inserting a cannula into the affected areas. Fat grafting is where fat is used from elsewhere on the body. When it comes to cellulite, this can be useful as it can be used to flatten the skin and remove the bumpy appearance.
Knowing how to get rid of cellulite can give sufferers a mental boost knowing that their condition does not have to be permanent. At Cadogan Clinic we believe that the most effective treatment is in the form of cellulaze. Our team of experts can arrange a consultation with you so that you can explore this option and see if it is the right one for you.
Cellulaze is a laser treatment that targets the underlying cellulite tissue and fat. It is the only non-invasive treatment for cellulite that gives long-lasting results. If a patient is overweight it is worth considering combining this treatment with liposuction to give the very best results.
There are no home treatments that will get rid of cellulite. However, there are certain things that you can do that can perhaps improve its appearance. These include:
This will not get rid of cellulite, but exercising can increase your muscle tone. As the muscles strengthen they can help to reduce the lumpy appearance on your skin.
All forms of massage help to increase blood flow. Where cellulite is concerned it is believed that it helps with lymphatic drainage. It leads to the skin being stretched and dimples being less obvious.
Applying topical creams
Creams containing retinol are thought to help with the appearance of cellulite. It works by thickening the outer layer of your skin which can help with covering bumps.
Cellulite leggings
Leggings are available that claim to target cellulite. They do this by being tight and stretchy which can help tone your muscle.
If cellulite is a condition that is causing you concern, the best next step is to book a consultation with one of the specialists at the Cadogan Clinic. Here you will be able to devise a treatment plan that is right for you.
Mr. Bryan Mayou
Cellulite can significantly impact confidence and self-image. Despite numerous treatments being offered over the years, their success has often been limited. However, Cellulaze marks a significant breakthrough in cosmetic surgery. As the first effective solution for cellulite, it offers promising results where others have fallen short. Witnessing this advancement is truly gratifying, as it provides patients with an effective path towards smoother, more radiant skin and renewed confidence.Mr. Bryan Mayou
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