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Large, heavy breasts are most commonly caused by genetics and are completely normal and nothing to be worried about.
Tagged: Body & Breast
Date: 11th December 2020
Medically Reviewed by: Mr. Bryan Mayou (GMC: 1414396)
Last reviewed: 5th April 2024
Heavy breasts are most commonly caused by genetics and are completely normal. The shape and size of breasts are individual and this means some women do naturally have heavier breasts than others.
If your breasts are heavy and hurt, causing any physical discomfort or emotional distress, then you may want to consider Breast Reduction surgery as a quick, safe and effective procedure which provides effective relief for heavy breasts.
On rare occasions, there can be other factors causing heavy breasts with pain. Again, in most cases, it is nothing to be concerned about, but these can include.
If your boobs feel heavy, exercise can help you to lose weight off the chest area. Because the breasts contain fat, cardio and high-intensity exercises can help shed weight faster from problem areas. Aerobic exercises are good for all-around fat loss. It is important to remember that losing weight through exercise isn't always able to target a specific area of the body however, losing weight can reduce pain from large breasts.
Breast Reduction surgery can help a woman to lose weight from the breasts which can help to ease back, shoulder and neck pain.
In cases where women have excessively large breasts or their breasts feel fully and heavy, Breast Reduction surgery is often the best means to permanently reduce the size and weight of the breasts.
Yes, relief for heavy breasts can be effectively achieved with Breast Reduction surgery, also known as Mammoplasty. It works by removing excess tissue, fat and skin in the breast area, to lighten the weight and prominence of the breast. As part of the procedure, the nipples will be reshaped or raised, along with the breast. This will create a perkier breast shape.
Here at the Cadogan Clinic, we regularly perform this procedure in combination with a Breast Uplift procedure to restore the optimal positioning of the breast post-surgery.
Breast Reduction surgery reduces the volume of the breast, making them feel lighter and addressing heavy, sore boobs. Breast Reduction can help ease or eliminate a range of physical and psychological problems experienced by women who have heavy, achy breasts.
These include:
Some women may be concerned about their ability to breastfeed following Breast Reduction surgery. At the Cadogan Clinic, our highly-skilled surgeons take care to retain connections between the remaining breast tissue and the skin. This will help to preserve breastfeeding capacity. If you are concerned about being able to breastfeed following Breast Reduction, it is important to discuss this during your consultation so your surgeon can fully understand your needs and use the right techniques for your surgery.
Recovery after Breast Reduction is usually 6-8 weeks. Your surgeon will give you aftercare instructions which will include not doing any strenuous activity or putting any strain on your surgical area during your recovery. It is important to follow your surgeon's instructions closely to prevent complications and ensure the best surgical results. During your consultation your surgeon will explain the scarring you can expect following Breast Reduction surgery.
Mr. Bryan Mayou
Heavy breasts can be caused by genetics, hormonal changes, or weight fluctuations and can lead to physical discomfort for patients with back pain and limited mobility, especially during exercise being common challenges. Breast Reduction offers an effective and long term solution, reducing excess breast tissue to reduce discomfort and restore mobility. By creating a more proportionate and manageable breast size, patients can engage in physical activities with ease, restoring their confidence and overall well-being.Mr. Bryan Mayou
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