Best Clinic UK - Aesthetics Awards 2024
& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024
When it comes to our appearance, there is one area that we are simply unable to hide. While body issues cause significant stress and upset, people can conceal certain issues through clothing before they get to the stage of undergoing cosmetic surgery. When it comes to our faces, that simply isn’t an option. Facial implants can help those who are unhappy with certain facial features. It may be that they are seeking more definition, added volume, or contouring. If that is the case, then this is the procedure that can help.
The appearance of our face is often down to genetics. We may inherit a strong jawline, a prominent nose, or a certain shaped face. Just because this is how we have been made does not mean that we have to accept it. Here we are going to take a look at what facial implants are and how they could benefit you.
Facial implants are a surgical procedure carried out by cosmetic surgeons. It is a procedure common with both women and men and is used to alter certain facial features. Facial implants are usually made of synthetic materials, such as silicone. These are inserted into the chosen area of the face and are used for reasons such as:
A consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will help you to establish of facial implants are right for you. There are different types of implants that come in different shapes and sizes. What is suitable for you depends upon the area of your face that you are treating as well as the results that you are hoping to achieve.
Facial implants can be used on almost any area of the face. They are used to add volume and contouring. This can help provide a plump, fuller, and more youthful appearance. That being said, the most common areas that are treated with implants are the chin, cheeks, and jawline.
Chin implants
These are used to enhance the definition of the face and can help to create a more defined profile. Chin implants are often complemented by rhinoplasty as both the chin and nose have a significant impact on our profile.
Cheek implants
Many people aspire to have perfect cheekbones. We are subjected to what we are lead to believe is perfection regularly through the media. High, well-defined cheekbones have long been sought. Those born without this feature can achieve it through cheek implants. Silicone implants are used and can be inserted on the cheekbone, just below it, or a combination of the two. As well as providing more definition, cheek implants are also a solution to flattening of the cheek area that comes with ageing.
Jaw implants
Our jawline is a key defining feature of our faces. Some men and women feel that their jawline lacks definition or that their chin has an appearance as if it is receding. In these cases, jaw implants can be the solution. They can add definition and also result in your face being more balanced. This procedure is often enhanced by combining it with rhinoplasty.
Facial implants take place under general anaesthetic and the procedure is carried out by expert surgeons. The procedure will vary slightly depending upon whether you are having cheek implants or jaw implants. This is because any incisions made will be in suitable places ( jaw implants lower lip, cheek implants upper lip or lower eyelid). Aside from this, the procedure is the same and involves:
As with any form of surgery, facial implants will see you needing some time to rest and recover. It is common after cheek implants and jaw implants to experience bruising and swelling. This is likely to be uncomfortable. It is worth have a cold compress when at home to help reduce the swelling, but it should start to go within a couple of days. You should also discuss with your surgeon what is recommended in terms of diet. It may be that you are unable to deal with solid foods for a short time due to where the incisions have been made. Some of the timelines to be aware of include:
Your surgeon and care team will be able to tell you exactly what to expect. They will also be there for guidance and reassurance during the healing process and will ensure that you are fully recovered as soon as is possible.
One major reason that people opt for facial implants is that the results are permanent. Whether you are seeking changes to your cheeks, chin, or jaw, what you see after facial implants should last a lifetime. There is usually no reason for any maintenance or replacements. That being said, if a person later decides that they want the implants removed, this can be done with relative ease.
Facial implants see silicone being inserted into the face to improve the appearance in terms of definition and profile. Fillers see a gel being injected into the face. This leads to a plumper, fuller-looking face. The choice between facial implants and fillers is down to personal preference and you will be guided by your surgeon. However, some of the things to consider include:
The number of treatments
With facial implants, only one treatment is required. With fillers, patients tend to need between 2 and 5 to achieve the results that they want.
The cost
The cost of facial implants will be considerably more than fillers. However, this needs to be balanced out against the number of treatments that are needed.
How long each option lasts
Facial implants will last a lifetime. Fillers will generally last between 6 months and 2 years before they need repeating.
Mr. Bryan Mayou
Facial implants provide a permanent solution for patients seeking to restore lost volume or enhance prominence in areas of the face. Whether addressing sunken cheeks or refining the chin's appearance, implants offer tailored augmentation with long-lasting results. This transformative procedure not only restores facial balance but also instills renewed confidence. As a plastic surgeon, I have seen the transformative effect facial implants can have for all patients, but in particular male patients who are looking to create a more masculine chin and jawline.Mr. Bryan Mayou
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