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What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes areas of excess to improve and tone the contours of the body. Popular areas to be treated with Liposuction include:

  • Chin and jawline
  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Thighs
  • Arms

In the UK, Liposuction was the fifth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in 2023. As well as being carried out as a stand-alone surgery, it is often combined with other procedures such as Fat Transfer or Abdominoplasty.

When considering Liposuction surgery, it is important to make sure you understand not only the surgery process, but also the Liposuction healing time and what your aftercare will involve. Your surgeon will discuss the Lipo recovery with you during your consultation to ensure you are prepared.

What Will Happen Straight After My Liposuction Surgery?

Once your surgery has been completed, you will spend the first 2-3 hours of your Liposuction healing time in our dedicated recovery and ambulatory wards. You will start your recovery after Liposuction in our recovery ward, where you will wake up from the general anaesthetic, and a nurse will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate and temperature.

Once you have woken up and are comfortable, you will transfer to our ambulatory ward, where you will have your own room. You will have something to eat and drink and once you are ready, our specialist nurses will prepare you to be discharged. You will leave with a friend or family member to recover in the comfort of your own home.

When you first wake up following Liposuction, you will have dressings covering the areas that have been treated. You may feel some discomfort, but your dressings shouldn’t impede your mobility. In some cases, you may also be wearing compression garments in the treated areas. These will prevent fluid retention and calm swelling during your recovery after Lipo. Your surgeon will discuss whether you will require compression garments with you prior to your surgery. 

Liposuction Recovery Timeline

Liposuction recovery time typically ranges from 3-8 weeks, depending on the specific areas and the number that have been treated. To prepare for your recovery, it is crucial to understand what you can expect at each stage.  
Your surgeon will discuss how long your Liposuction recovery will be and how you should prepare during your consultation. 

Days 1-3 After Surgery

In the first few days of your Liposuction healing time, you can expect to feel some discomfort. Many patients say they feel some aching and itching during their Lipo recovery. This is caused by the fat that has been removed and the tissues reattaching as part of your healing. You will likely experience some swelling and bruising.

We recommend taking the first 3-5 days of recovery after Liposuction off work. Resting is a crucial part of the recovery process and prevents complications from arising. 

1 Week After Surgery

You will have your first follow-up appointment with our specialist nurses one week after your Liposuction procedure. They will remove your dressings and assess your wounds and healing. Some Liposuction procedures require stitches, so they will remove these if necessary. In other instances, your surgeon may use dissolvable stitches, which take 4-6 weeks to dissolve. They will advise you on how to continue looking after your incisions and what you can expect from your recovery going forwards.

At this stage, you will still have some swelling, but the bruising will start to resolve.

After one week, you should be able to return to work comfortably and undertake your normal day-to-day activities. You will need to continue wearing your compression garments. 

2-3 Weeks After Surgery

Any bruising should have healed fully over the next few weeks of your Lipo healing time, but you may still have some swelling.

During your first follow-up appointment, our nurses will explain how to change your dressings and look after your incisions. It is important to follow these instructions to prevent infection and ensure you heal well. 

1 Month After Surgery

Depending on the extent of your procedure, after one month of Lipo recovery your swelling should either be going down or may have entirely resolved in smaller areas.

You will still need to wear your compression garments and if you have dissolvable stitches these will be starting to break down. 

6 Weeks After Surgery

Six weeks into your recovery after Lipo, you will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon to discuss your recovery and results. By this point, you should be healed completely, although larger treatment areas, such as the lower abdomen, may still be slightly swollen. Depending on the area, your surgeon may say that you can stop wearing your compression garments at this stage. For some areas, such as the abdomen, you may need to continue wearing your garments for another 1-2 weeks.

At this stage, you should be able to start activities such as exercise again. If this isn’t the case for any reason, your surgeon will discuss this with you and will explain your revised recovery timeline. 

3 Months After Surgery

After three months of Lipo healing time, you will be completely recovered and be able to undertake all of your usual activities. You won’t need to wear your compression garments any longer and your final results will be apparent in all of your treatment areas. 

Dos and Don’ts After Liposuction

Your surgeon will explain your Liposuction aftercare instructions and Lipo recovery time during your consultation, and you will have opportunities to ask any questions about this in the run-up to your surgery. It is crucial that you follow these directions to avoid any complications and achieve your desired results during your Liposuction healing process. By following your surgeon’s advice, you can expect to have a smooth recovery after Lipo and be fully healed within 6-8 weeks. 

What You Should Do After Liposuction

  • Rest: It is important to rest, especially in the first few days following your Liposuction procedure, to allow your body to recover and heal. Most patients take 3-5 days off work to rest, but every recovery journey is different and you shouldn’t rush back into any activities too soon.
  • Adjust your sleeping position: Depending on the areas that have been treated, you may need to avoid certain sleeping positions. Sleeping in a slightly upright position can help to reduce swelling. Your surgeon may also recommend using some pillows to prop you into a particular position to support your treated areas.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Recovering following Liposuction surgery uses a lot of energy. Ensuring your diet contains plenty of nutritious food will ensure you heal quickly and can also help to reduce inflammation. You should also avoid drinking alcohol for 2-3 weeks after your surgery as this can increase inflammation which may slow your recovery.
  • Stay hydrated: Fluid retention and swelling are common during Liposuction recovery, which can lead to dehydration. During your recovery, it is vital to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and replace any water that has been lost.
  • Wear your compression garments: If your surgeon has recommended wearing compression garments, you should be consistent with this to protect your incisions and reduce swelling. You may need spare garments to allow you to wash them regularly. 


What Shouldn’t You Do After Liposuction

  • Strenuous exercise: It is important to avoid strenuous activity for the first 4-6 weeks of your recovery. This will prevent any stress being placed on your incisions and complications such as seroma, which can require further medical intervention.
  • Driving: You should avoid driving for up to two weeks following your Liposuction procedure. We advise speaking with your insurance company, as your policy will specify how long you should wait before driving after a surgical procedure.
  • Eat salty food: Eating foods high in salt may exacerbate fluid retention and swelling which may slow down the Liposuction recovery process.
  • Flying: Your surgeon will discuss how long you should wait until you can fly after your Liposuction procedure. Flying can increase the risk of serious complications such as blood clots. Most patients are advised not to fly for at least 4 weeks after their surgery.

Is Liposuction Painful?

Most patients find that the Liposuction healing process is not especially painful. As the fat is extracted from underneath the skin, and the muscle and deeper tissues are not manipulated, it is less invasive than some other surgical procedures. Any pain and discomfort you experience during your Lipo recovery time is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.

Some patients describe the discomfort they feel as an achy or itchy sensation. This is normal and usually resolves within the first 10-14 days of recovery.

What Recovery Support Does Cadogan Clinic Provide?

As an industry-leading cosmetic surgery centre of excellence, we provide  comprehensive recovery and aftercare supportfollowing all Liposuction procedures.

All surgical aftercare is included in our packages, including follow-up appointments with our nurses and your surgeon.

Our specialist nurses also provide a 24-hour recovery helpline to allow you to ask any questions or raise any concerns quickly and effectively, ensuring you receive the support you need during your Lipo recovery time.

If you are interested in Liposuction at Cadogan Clinic, contact our dedicated surgical advisors to organise an initial consultation with one of our specialist consultant surgeons. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

Since I introduced Liposuction to the UK over 4 decades ago, I have always emphasised the importance of recovery and aftercare in managing patient safety and surgical outcomes. This has included the advancement of compression garments and reducing recovery times through the improvement of Liposuction technology, allowing for smaller incisions and less invasive surgery.
Mr. Bryan Mayou

Frequently Asked Questions

During your consultation, your surgeon will explain everything you need to know about healing from Liposuction. After your procedure, the nurses will also provide you with a written copy of your healing after Liposuction information as a reminder.

If you have any questions during your recovery time about healing after Liposuction, you will be able to speak to our specialist nurses directly via their recovery and aftercare phone line, which is open 24 hours a day.

Healing from Liposuction is usually fairly straightforward, and most people find that the pain is minimal. It is important to keep your incisions clean and dry, and wear your compression garments as instructed.  

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