Best Clinic UK - Aesthetics Awards 2024
& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024
Following a breast fat transfer you may have some bruising and swelling but this should subside within a couple of weeks. Recovery time for fat transfer procedures to the body can depend on how many areas the initial liposuction was carried out on. You may be bruised and swollen for 1-3 weeks and should avoid exercise during this time and you may wish to be off work for 1-2 weeks also. The few days following your fat transfer augmentation you may feel some discomfort around the breasts and experience an aching sensation for a week or two following treatment - this is completely normal and will subside as will any bruising and swelling.
It is important that you follow all the after-care instructions from your surgeon to ensure you heal quickly.
The breasts will have settled into their final shape in 6 months. It can take up to 6 months for a surgical fat transfer to fully take effect, as some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by the body during the first few months after the procedure.
Fat transfer to the breasts, also referred to as natural breast augmentation, is not a painful procedure. The surgery is performed here at the Cadogan Clinic under a general anesthetic, meaning the patient cannot feel anything.
The recovery time is fairly quick, but there will be some swelling and bruising in the days immediately after surgery. This is only temporary and quickly disappears. Painkillers can be taken if required, although these are often not needed.
Fat transfer to breast at the Cadogan Clinic takes between one and three hours. This includes harvesting the fat via liposuction from another part of the body and re-injecting this fat into the breast.
The procedure takes longer than breast augmentation involving an implant, but the recovery from natural breast augmentation is quicker and more straightforward, with a reduced likelihood of infection. There are other benefits too. Implants can lead to a ‘foreign body reaction’ which could lead to a distortion in the appearance of the breast in a small proportion of patients. By using a woman’s own fat, this ensures a more natural-looking result.
Patients who have had fat transfer to breast at the Cadogan Clinic should be fully recovered within 4 to 6 weeks. As with any surgery, it is important that after care instructions are followed in order to ensure a swift recovery. If the fat heals well, the breasts look and feel normal.
Post surgery, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help to aid the healing process. If you smoke cigarettes, we would strongly recommend that you quit as smoking can delay healing.
There are a number of activities which should be avoided immediately after fat to breast transfer - work, driving, exercise, going to the gym and any sexual activity.
Patients are advised to take 1 or 2 weeks off work immediately following surgery in order to rest and recuperate. Patients can resume driving after these two weeks.
Exercise, including the gym, should be avoided until 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Lower body exercise, such as gentle pilates, should be fine to restart after 4 weeks. Heavier upper body exercise, such as tennis, golf and distance swimming, should wait until 6 weeks.
Restricted sexual activity can also be resumed after 4 to 6 weeks. It is worth remembering that the breasts could still feel sensitive to touch some weeks after surgery.
However, we would urge anyone who has undergone a breast fat transfer to take their time. The key is to listen to your body and don’t return to any of these activities if you do not feel ready.
To ensure the best result from your breast fat transfer, you should try to sleep on your back for 2 weeks and wear a good-quality sports bra for 6 weeks post-surgery.
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