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BodyJet Liposuction – What is water assisted lipo?

Liposuction has long been one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery. As techniques have developed there have been other forms of liposuction that have become popular. This includes water-assisted lipo.

The effects of water lipo can be life-changing for those that undergo the procedure. The physical changes are there for all to see, but there is more to it than this. With an improved physique, often patients report a better emotional state and even improvements to their mental health. If you’d like to know more about what water-assisted lipo involves, then we would like to help.

What is water assisted lipo?

Lipo itself is a procedure where the Cadogan Clinic is considered the go-to experts. Cadogan’s founder, Mr Bryan Mayou, introduced this technique to the UK over 40 years ago. He has since assembled a team of the ablest surgeons to work alongside him. It allows for the removal of stubborn fat that people are unable to lose through exercise and diet alone. Often when undergoing a fitness regime, people lose motivation when they just can’t shed those last areas of fat. This is not a failing on their part but it is where lipo comes in. 

Water lipo, also referred to as BodyJet lipo, delivers all that the original procedure does. The difference is that it can target even the most stubborn areas of fat to give fantastic results. 

Why is BodyJet lipo so popular?

BodyJet lipo is a procedure that has grown in popularity. For decades now people have seen the benefits of traditional lipo, but some felt that this was invasive and perhaps the time to recover could be improved on. It was also less effective when it came to the removal of overly stubborn fat, particularly that found in women.

Water assisted lipo, also known as aqua lipo, has proven itself to be effective when it comes to these stubborn areas. Specialists are also keen to use the procedure as it can be less invasive. There is generally less bruising and swelling when compared to traditional liposuction. A further benefit of BodyJet lipo is that the fat being removed is not destroyed. This means that it can be used for fat transfer procedures if required. 

How does water-assisted lipo work?

Traditional liposuction sees a cannula being passed through body tissue. When it reaches the fat that needs to be removed it breaks it down and in some cases totally destroys it. The fat is then suctioned out of the body. As the fat has been fully broken down it no longer has any use and is disposed of.

With water-assisted lipo, fluid is passed through the cannula. The fluid acts as a low-pressure washer and dislodges stubborn fat. The technique is known to remove large amounts of fat quickly and efficiently. Body jet lipo has been shown as extremely effective when targeting fat around women’s breasts which is usually stubborn and difficult to remove. 

What areas of the body can water lipo target?

Water lipo is known as a proven way to remove stubborn areas of fat from your body. While diet and exercise are beneficial, and certainly needed as part of a healthy lifestyle, it does not always remove fat. Excess fat deposits shrink, but they do not disappear. Some areas of fat are more resistant than others and those that are commonly targeted with water lipo include: arms, breasts, calfs, hips, knees and areas of the face.

Who is aqua lipo suitable for?

Aqua lipo is suitable for people who are looking to remove stubborn deposits of fat. The procedure is common amongst both women and men. Men tend to focus on their torso and chest whereas women use lipo to improve the appearance of their stomach, hips, and thighs. Those that seek this procedure have found that certain areas of fat are resistant to diet and exercise and they need a boost to finish off the look that they were aiming for. 

Although water lipo is a highly effective treatment, it is not recommended in all cases. For those who have loose and saggy skin, water lipo is perhaps not the best course of action. Procedures such as a tummy tuck or body lift may be more appropriate in these circumstances. Another important point to note is that water lipo is not a substitute for diet and exercise. For those looking to lose a high percentage of their body weight, lifestyle changes are still needed. Water lipo is there to add the finishing touches. 

How long does it take to recover after BodyJet lipo?

Given the popularity of BodyJet lipo, it is good to know that it is a relatively straightforward procedure. Being straightforward means that the recovery time is fast when compared to other surgeries. In fact, at Cadogan Clinic, your recovery starts almost instantly. By using TIVA anaesthetic you wake up quicker and with less nausea.

Following any lipo, it is advised to remain off work for around a week. Day to day activities and exercise can usually be returned within a few weeks. Pain tends to be minimal and can be managed with over the counter pain relief. There can be swelling and bruising and this can take several weeks to go completely. As water lipo is gentler than traditional methods, the recovery time tends to be slightly quicker. 

Is water-assisted lipo expensive?

When looking at water-assisted lipo, of course, the cost of this is a factor that people need to consider. Many people who have undergone this procedure, have been amazed by the results and so no price would be too high. In such cases, water-assisted lipo would not be considered expensive.

As well as the financial cost, there are other factors to be considered when choosing a clinic to have water lipo carried out. Some of these are:

  • The reputation of clinic and surgeon
  • The location of the clinic 
  • The quality of care both before and after the procedure

At Cadogan Clinic, costs start at £3,950 for a single area to be targeted. Known as the home of lipo, our patients receive top care from our expert team based in our state of the art facility in Chelsea. 

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