Best Clinic UK - Aesthetics Awards 2024
& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024

What is a Thigh Lift?

A Thigh Lift, also known as a Thighplasty, is a surgical procedure which reduces loose skin around the outer and inner thighs caused by ageing or dramatic weight loss. As well as causing self-consciousness, loose skin around the thighs can be uncomfortable, causing chafing and discomfort.  

During a Thighplasty procedure, your surgeon will create a vertical incision along your inner thigh. They will then remove the excess skin using surgical excision. For some patients where excess thigh fat is also a concern, your consultant will treat the thighs with Liposuction before they carry out the excision.

Recovery time after Thigh Lift surgery is usually 8-10 weeks. Your surgeon will discuss your expected Thigh Lift recovery time during your consultation. It is important that you understand the recovery process so you are able to prepare ahead of your procedure. Your surgeon will provide full aftercare instructions, and your personal surgical advisor will also help to prepare you during the run-up to your surgery date. 


What Happens After Your Thigh Lift at Cadogan Clinic?

One of our expert consultant surgeons will perform your Thigh Lift in our dedicated operating theatres located in our in-house hospital facility.

You will start your Thighplasty recovery in our recovery ward. Our specialist nursing team will monitor your blood pressure, temperature and heart rate to ensure you are stable as you wake up from the anaesthetic. You will then be transferred into our ambulatory ward once you are awake and comfortable. You will have your own room, where you will have something to eat and drink, and get ready to be discharged. Once you are ready, you will be given a written copy of your Thigh Lift recovery instructions and our nurses will talk you through any medications your surgical team have prescribed. Your chaperone will collect you and you will continue your recovery in the comfort of your own home. 


Thigh Lift Recovery Timeline

There are several factors which determine each patient’s Thigh Lift recovery time.

  • The extent of your Thigh Lift surgery, whether your outer or inner thighs are being treated, or both.
  • Whether Liposuction is being performed alongside surgical excision
  • The exact Thigh Lift technique your surgeon has recommended. A Spiral Thigh Lift results in less visible scarring but may have a more involved recovery, for example.

Generally, there are specific landmarks you can expect to reach throughout your Thighplasty recovery. Your surgeon will provide personalised advice on anything relating to your lifestyle which may affect your recovery. 

2-3 Days After Your Thigh Lift

You can expect to feel discomfort during the first few days after your Thigh Lift. You will be mobile, and it is important to move around gently to prevent complications such as deep vein thrombosis.  

You will have some swelling and bruising around your thighs and may feel tightness and itching around your incisions.  

Your surgeon will ask you to wear a compression garment which covers your thighs. You will need to wear this for as many hours as possible daily for up to eight weeks. This will reduce swelling and protect the surgical site as you go through your recovery after Thigh Lift. 

1-2 Weeks After Your Thigh Lift

You will have an in-person appointment with our nurses, one week after your procedure. They will remove your stitches, assess your incisions and redress your thighs. They will provide further aftercare advice and answer any questions.

You will still have some bruising and swelling, but this will be starting to calm down.

You must continue to wear your compression garments and keep your incisions clean and dry. 

1 Month After Your Thigh Lift

Your Thigh Lift recovery time will be continuing well after one month. The swelling and bruising should be resolving and may be healed.

Although you may be feeling completely recovered, you shouldn’t restart any strenuous activities too soon after your surgery. Your skin and muscles will still be healing and it is essential not to put any excess strain on the area. 

6-8 Weeks After Your Thigh Lift

Between six to eight weeks after your Thigh Lift procedure, you can expect your initial recovery to be complete. You will have an appointment with your surgeon six weeks after your surgery to discuss your Thighplasty recovery and results.

Your surgeon will discuss aftercare for your Thigh Lift scars. This may include silicone scar treatments to help flatten and lighten the scarring.

At this stage, you should be able to stop wearing your compression garments, and your surgeon will discuss when you can return to exercise and other daily activities. 

3 Months After Your Thigh Lift

Three months after your Thigh Lift, you will be completely healed and enjoying your surgical results. Your Thigh Lift scars will continue to fade over time.

If you require support at any stage after your Thigh Lift recovery, you can contact the clinic at any time. 


Thigh Lift Recovery Tips

During your Thigh Lift preparation, your surgeon will provide thorough recovery and aftercare instructions so you understand what to expect. To achieve your desired results and prevent complications, it is vital to follow this advice. 

What You Should Do During Thigh Lift Recovery

Wear your compression garment: Your compression garments will help aid the healing process, reduce swelling and support yout thighs during your Thighplasty recovery time.

Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated will reduce swelling and prevent fluid retention around your thighs, helping to accelerate the healing process.

Organise support: Resting during your Thighplasty recovery time is an essential part of healing. Asking for help from family and friends will allow you to get the downtime you need. 

What You Shouldn’t Do During Thigh Lift Recovery

Strenuous activity: During recovery after Thigh Lift surgery, it is important to avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting which could place strain on your Brachioplasty incision

Eat excessive salt and sugar: Eating too much salt and sugar can exacerbate swelling and slow down the healing process. A diet rich in nutrients and protein will support your Thighplasty recovery.

Travelling: Flying too soon after Thigh Lift surgery can heighten the risk of complications. It is important to speak to your surgeon about when you would be able to fly after your Thighplasty. 

Is Thigh Lift Painful?

Thigh Lift surgery may involve some discomfort, especially in the early stages of recovery, but this is generally manageable with pain relief which will have been prescribed by your medical team. Most patients can expect to experience some soreness, swelling, and tightness in the thighs for the first few weeks, but this soon subsides, and any pain experienced is rarely severe.

If you have any concerns or questions during your recovery time after Thigh Lift surgery you will have access to our nurses’ 24 hour recovery and aftercare phone line. This allows you to access support quickly and effectively if it is required. 

What Thigh Lift Recovery Support Does Cadogan Clinic Provide?

Cadogan Clinic includes comprehensive post-operative care in the price of all Thigh Lift procedures. Comprehensive surgical aftercare is essential for safeguarding patients and achieving your desired Thighplasty results.  

Following your Thigh Lift, you will be given the details of our dedicated recovery and aftercare phone line, which is available 24 hours a day.

You will also have a series of post-operative appointments with our specialist nurses and your surgeon to monitor your recovery and results. In-person post-operative appointments maximise communication between patients and their medical team and improve surgical outcomes, giving you the best experience. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

I always emphasise the importance of patients understanding the recovery time and aftercare involved after a surgical procedure such as Thighplasty. Thoroughly preparing for your Thigh Lift recovery will ensure you achieve your desired results and avoid complications from occurring. Your surgeon will ensure you are given complete recovery and aftercare advice ahead of your procedure.
Mr. Bryan Mayou


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