Best Clinic UK - Aesthetics Awards 2024
& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024

Face & Eyes

One Stitch Facelift

at Cadogan Clinic, London’s Leading Cosmetic Surgery Specialists. 

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Best Clinic London 2024

We were awarded Best Clinic London at the industry-leading 2024 Aesthetics Awards.

CQC ‘Outstanding’

Our Leadership is rated ‘Outstanding’ by the independent healthcare regulator in England.

20 Years of Safety

We’ve enjoyed a spotless safety track record over 20 years at the top of our field.

96% Excellence Rating

We support 30,000 patient appointments each year, 96% of which were rated 5*.

Medically Reviewed 20 February 2024, by Mr. Bryan Mayou (GMC: 1414396) - founder of the Cadogan Clinic and one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

What is Micro-Facelift?

A micro facelift is a new and innovative treatment which is becoming increasingly popular among patients aged between 35 and 50 years old.  This quick and straightforward facelift surgery can make a patient look up to five years younger.

Of all the facelifts available, a micro facelift is by far the least invasive surgical option, which goes some way to explaining its popularity. In fact, it has been dubbed the ‘one stitch facelift ‘as it only involves one incision and one suture. 

The London one stitch facelift is also known as the mid face lift as it targets the middle part of the face, from below the eyelids, around the cheek bones and down to the upper lip. This section of the face is particularly prone to the tell tale signs of aging. These include the common complaints of flat cheeks, hollowed lower eyelids, and deeper nasolabial folds - the vertical lines which extend from the nose to the outer area of the mouth. A micro facelift restores the cheekbone structure and volume, resulting in a natural, more youthful and proportional appearance.

A one stitch facelift can also be combined with other surgical procedures such as a neck lift or rejuvenating fat injections for a more enhanced result. A micro facelift can also be used to correct lower eyelid retraction left from historical surgeries.

A micro facelift won’t stop the natural aging process, but it certainly slows the process down.  A micro facelift is usually considered as a precursor to a mini or full facelift. These procedures may be more appropriate for older patients.

A micro facelift is more effective than non-surgical procedures such as dermal fillers, as the results are much longer lasting.

Facelift acccounts for 1 in 10 of the procedures that took place at the Cadogan in 2023, accounting for 1 in 20 of the total facelift procedures that took place in the UK.
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Micro-Facelift At a glance

Surgery Time

2 - 3 hours

Time off work

5 days

Hospital Stay

Day Case


Shower after a few days

Reasonable Mobility

After 1 day rest


4 weeks

Sexual Activity

Restricted for 2 - 3 weeks

Sleeping on back

Sleeping on back recommended for 2 weeks

Full Recovery

3 - 4 weeks


1 week

Before and after Micro-Facelift

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Why do people have a one stitch facelift?

Why do people have it & Who is suittable

People turn to a one stitch facelift, or a mid face lift, in a bid to tackle the early signs of aging.

This process is further escalated by lifestyle and external factors such as sun exposure, stress, smoking, nutrition and sleep. Our skin produces a protein called collagen. This is what gives our skin a plump, fresh and youthful look. Collagen production diminishes with age and as a result, our skin loses its elasticity, causing it to wrinkle and sag. This laxity can lead to hollows, lines and ridges appearing on the face. You may experience some or all of the following:

  • Deep creases between the lower eyelid and upper cheek, known as tear troughs
  • Flattened or sunken cheeks, caused by age-related loss of facial fat
  • Saggy cheeks
  • Deep smile lines, also known as nasolabial folds, which stretch from the bottom of the nose to the mouth corners
  • Fine Perio-oral 'Smokers Lines' around the mouth and above the lip and mouth 

The appearance of these natural signs of aging can cause a person to feel self-conscious and anxious about how they appear to others. A micro facelift can help to ease the mind by improving the body, restoring a youthful appearance and giving you back your self-confidence.

Some people may find themselves aging more quickly due to certain lifestyle factors. These can include smoking, excessive exposure to the sun, stress and poor sleep. One or more of these reasons may prompt someone to undergo a micro facelift. In order to maintain the results of the micro facelift for longer, we advise that you try and avoid these factors if at all possible.

As one stitch facelift UK providers, all of surgical team and patient care team uphold the highest standards for our patients. This procedure can be done with minimal inconvenience, scars and risk. This is why we are trusted with often a patient's first step into cosmetic facial surgery. Even so, one stitch facelift before and after cases can be extremely compelling.

Who is suitable?

The micro lift is the ideal procedure for anyone in between the ages of 35 to 50 seeking to reverse the preliminary signs of ageing with a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelift surgery. 

Cadogan Clinic considers individuals fit for the procedure, if all of the following are true of them:

  • Over the age of 35
  • Physically and psychologically fit and healthy
  • Concerned by the ageing profile of their face
  • Seeking a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelift surgery
  • Have realistic expectations of what can be achieved by surgery

Words from our clients:

The cost of a Micro-Facelift

Cadogan Clinic has collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer a variety of payment choices for our patients including:
6 months 0% Interest-free - APR
12 - 60 months at 14.9% APR
Flexible Finance

Get in touch now to find out your micro facelift cost UK

Get in touch 0207 901 8500

Included in this treatment

Up to two 60 minute consultations with a leading specialist plastic surgeon at our award-winning premises in Chelsea

Your procedure carried out at London’s leading specialist cosmetic surgery centre of excellence

24/7 on call nurse assistance

Dedicated Patient Co-ordinator, as a personal point of contact through your journey with Cadogan

A pre-operative medical assessment to ensure you are fit for surgery

Comprehensive post-operative aftercare courtesy of our specialist cosmetic nurses

What does it involve?

The micro facelift procedure is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can be performed under local or general anaesthetic (and sedation). The surgery is carried out as a daycase procedure meaning you can go home the same day, and aren't required to stay overnight.

Our expert surgeon will make one single tiny incision in the face in order to move the sub-dermal tissue to its original position, which will give the face a lifted appearance. The surgeon will then proceed to stitch it in place. A micro facelift is a procedure that delivers natural results with no external scarring.

It is generally a painless procedure and any bruising or swelling will subside within five to seven days. The natural ageing process will continue from the point achieved following the procedure.

The procedure is commonly combined with fat transfer to restore lost facial volume, allowing us to both lift loosened skin and reintroduce structure and volume. Fat is harvested via liposuction and then used to augment the cheekbones, cheeks, temples, brow, chin and anywhere else where it will improve facial balance and structure.

In some instances, we also isolate stem cells and inject these into strategic areas, to improve skin quality and appearance, improve scars and generally rejuvenate the facial appearance.

There is minimal downtime required following a micro face lift and you will very quickly be able to return to your normal routine.

How does it differ from other facelift procedures?

The micro facelift is less invasive than its sister treatment the mini facelift and far less invasive than a full facelift (rhytidectomy). Whereas the mini and full facelift require several incisions, only one incision is needed for a micro facelift, hence the nickname one stitch facelift.

Of the three procedures, the micro facelift is best suited to younger people, aged from 35 upwards, who are experiencing the very first signs of aging. A mini facelift is for those aged 40 and upwards while the full facelift, a far more drastic surgery, is best suited for older patients with deep set wrinkles and excess skin.

The micro facelift targets the mid section of the face, which displays the first signs of ageing. The mini facelift is a treatment for the lower part of the face, helping to eliminate jowls and saggy skin around the neck area.

The micro facelift can be combined with other procedures, both surgical and non-surgical, to enhance the result. A micro facelift produces longer lastings results than non-surgical alternatives on their own.

Micro-Facelift Surgeons

We have invited a selection of the country's very best consultants to join us at the Cadogan Clinic so that you can be sure that whatever the nature of your treatment, you will be seeing one of the top practitioners in the country.

What to expect

Below you will find some key information to help you prepare for surgery and make necessary arrangements to ensure you have the support you need and that everything runs smoothly on the day.

The first step for all of our patients is to meet with the surgeon we feel is most suite to you and best placed to perform your one stitch facelift London procedure for a consultation.

At the consultation you will be able to discuss with your surgeon what your hope to achieve from the procedure, as well as discuss in detail what may or may not be possible given your existing facial anatomy, ageing profile and skin quality.

A comprehensive discussion regarding risks and complications will take place, alongside a discussion regarding the post procedure and recovery phase. Your previous medical history will also be recorded (including previous surgery, medications, allergies etc.) and an assessment of your fitness for surgery.

If your surgeon feels you are a good candidate for surgery, you are then invited to consider whether you would like to proceed for surgery or otherwise following a two week 'cooling off' period.

Within this period you are welcome to come in and discuss your potential surgery with your surgeon as many times as you like. You may also use this time to find out about the cost of your treatment journey. Our one stitch facelift UK prices are competitive and finance options are optional, so you needn't feel you must comprormise quality of care in order to access our experitse.

If you choose to proceed with surgery, the next time you come into the Clinic after your final consultation will be the day of your procedure.

Before admission the following behavioural changes are recommended / required:

  • In the 6 weeks before your procedure we recommend smoking is discontinued as patients who smoke have a higher risk of healing more slowly and complications
  • In the week before your procedure you must cease taking Aspirin or any medication that contains Aspirin
  • In the 6 hours prior to surgery you must not consume food or any drink, other than small sips of clear fluid (e.g. still water, black coffee, black tea) which are allowed up to 2 hours before admission

On the day of the procedure, you will need to arrive an hour before the procedure is due to start for a nurse to take your blood pressure and carry out any other necessary tests. You will meet with your anaesthetist and your surgeon for the final mark-ups.

The micro facelift is carried out under a local or general anaesthetic (or sedation). The surgeon will make a tiny incision behind your ear before repositioning the transdermal tissue and stitching them back to their original position. A one stitch facelift takes between 20 and 45 minutes to perform, depending on the area being treated and the severity of the sagging.

Following the procedure, you will recover in our ambulatory recovery rooms for between one to two hours, dependent on the scale of the procedure. Once our specialist nursing team are happy that your initial recovery is complete and you are safe to return home, you will be allowed to leave the Clinic accompanied by a friend or member of your family.

Please follow all aftercare for Micro Facelift advice from your surgical team. Patients are able to return home a few hours following the micro facelift procedure and will not require an overnight stay. It is normal to expect a little swelling in the area over the first couple of days. You may wash the face and begin moisturising and applying anti-bruise cream the day after surgery.

You will be able to return to a normal routine three to four days post-surgery. The full healing process is between seven and 14 days. You will have some bruising and swelling, but it will be gone after a few days and you’ll be able to get back to your normal routine.

We advise taking up to a week off work and avoiding UV light for 2-4 weeks to aid the scarring process. It is important that you are sensitive to the facial area during this time. Do not try to do too much too soon as this can have a negative impact on the healing process.

Our nursing team will see you one week after surgery to check your incision sites. We also recommend you meet with one of our aestheticians to discuss ongoing treatment to support the healing process if it is required.

Results of the micro facelift should be seen clearly after the six week mark, although sometimes this can take longer. The results will continue to improve over the following months.

Your surgeon will see you six weeks post-surgery for one final check up.

The Patient Journey. A breakdown of what you can expect on your journey with us

We are deeply invested in ensuring that every step of your surgical journey with us is as informative and reassuring to you as it can be. This article outlines what you can expect at each stage of the journey

The Patient Journey

Frequently Asked Questions

The surgeon enters the face through a tiny incision and proceeds to move the sub-dermal tissue to its original position and suture. It is a pain free procedure that delivers natural results without scaring.

There are many advantages of a Micro-Facelift.

  • The Micro-Facelift can be performed with sedation and local anaesthetic.
  • With a Micro-Facelift the healing process is accelerated.
  • It is a short procedure that takes up to 45 minutes to perform.
  • It is pain-free and scar free.
  • Fat injections can also be administered in conjunction with a Micro-Facelift to enhance the natural results and optimise volume.
  • You will leave looking instantly 3-5 years younger, without looking overdone or windblown.
  • You will have results that last up to 4 years, depending of course on the natural ageing process and if you follow your surgeon’s aftercare recommendations.

It's important to discuss medication with your surgeon prior to any surgical procedure. Patients should cease taking aspirin or blood thinners three weeks prior to a Micro-Facelift procedure.

The Micro-Facelift procedure restores the facial tissues to their original position so does not alter the facial expressions. Patients will look like a more youthful, slimmer version of themselves, with natural results.

The Micro-Facelift may be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a blepharoplasty (eye lid procedure), a neck lift or fat injections. Your surgeon will recommend what procedures you should have depending on what your desired results are. The best way to find out how to achieve your results is to book a consultation at our clinic today.

The Micro-Facelift is not a very painful procedure. Our surgeons are experts at making sure that the least amount of discomfort is caused, if any. There may be some discomfort behind the ears following a Micro-Facelift procedure, which is standard pain and not at all overwhelming. Any pain can be managed with painkillers and there is no lasting pain associated with the procedure.

Words from Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

We often call the Micro Facelift the One-stitch Facelift, for its one stitch revolution in facial surgery. With just a single incision behind each ear this procedure targets the earliest signs of ageing in the mid face, delivering subtle yet significant results. It demonstrates the advancements in cosmetic surgery, offering patients a less invasive option to defy aging, with rapid recovery. The beauty of the Micro Facelift lies in its ability to achieve natural-looking outcomes with minimal downtime, catering to the demands of busy modern lifestyles.
Mr. Bryan Mayou

A state of the art, award winning clinic.

Founded in 2004 by world renowned plastic surgeon Mr Bryan Mayou, we now work with over 100 leading consultants and successfully treat over 20,000 patients each year. We have been winning industry awards since inception.

About Us

Best in Class Facilities

All of our treatments take place at our beautiful boutique premises in Chelsea. We have six consulting rooms and five operating rooms, as well as a dedicated pre and post-operative suite, and a full team of specialist nursing staff.

Our Clinic

A Strong Tradition of Innovation

We were founded in 2004 by world renown plastic surgeon Mr Bryan Mayou, best known for his pioneering work in the area of liposuction, lasers and microvascular surgery. We continue to collaborate with pioneers in our field.

Our History

At Home in Sloane Street, London

We are proud that our state of the art award-winning clinic is located in one of the best neighbourhoods in the country

Welcome to Sloane Street

Clinics Nationwide

We offer surgical consultations in London, Birmingham, Chelmsford and Bristol, and attract international patients from all corners of the globe such as as the USA, the Middle East and Europe.

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What are the risks?

This treatment is particularly appealing due to the low risk that it presents. However, as with all surgery, some complications are possible. Your surgeon will discuss each of these risks comprehensively at your consultation.

Face & Eyes

Related Treatments

We believe in the delivery of excellent outcomes and results, and exceptional levels of service. Our outcomes are natural and long-lasting, and we remain the premier choice for cosmetic surgery treatments in the UK.


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0207 901 8500

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