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& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024

What Is a Neck Lift?

Neck Lift surgery lifts and tightens loose and sagging skin around the neck, also known as a turkey neck.

The skin around the neck is thinner and more delicate than in other areas. This means it is more likely to show the effects of ageing or weight gain and loss. This usually presents as loss of tone, lines and wrinkles and loose or sagging skin. Due to the delicate nature of the neck skin, it is also one of the first areas to show the signs of ageing.

Neck Lift is commonly performed alongside other procedures such as Facelift, Brow Lift, Blepharoplasty or Fat Transfer to Face to enhance the final result.

During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss your neck surgery recovery time with you in detail to allow you to fully prepare ahead of the procedure. Understanding how long the Neck Lift recovery time is is important so you can prepare for taking time off work and managing daily activities. 


What Happens After My Neck Lift at Cadogan Clinic?

Straight after your Neck Lift has been completed, you will be taken into our Recovery ward. Here, you will complete your initial recovery, which includes waking up from your anaesthetic or sedation. Our specialist nurses will monitor your vital health signs and make sure you are comfortable. Your anaesthetist will check that you have recovered from your anaesthetic, and you will then transfer to our Ambulatory ward. 
In our Ambulatory ward, you will have your own room and will spend a few hours recovering and preparing to be discharged. You will have pre-ordered something food and something to drink and our nurses will continue to care for you until you are ready to leave. When you are ready, you will be given a written copy of your aftercare instructions and any necessary pain medication before you leave with your chaperone to continue your recovery at home. 


Neck Lift Recovery Timeline

Your exact neck surgery recovery time will depend on several factors:

  • The complexity of your Neck Lift procedure
  • The length of time your Neck Lift has taken to perform
  • Whether your Neck Lift is being carried out as a stand-alone surgery or other procedures are being carried out at the same time

Your surgeon will explain your personal recovery timeline during your consultation. However, you can expect to reach recovery milestones at certain times. 

2-3 Days After Your Neck Lift

During the first few days following your Neck Lift, you will be able to walk around, but you may feel you have limited mobility in your neck and that the skin feels quite tight or stretched.

Resting is crucial during the first part of your neck surgery recovery time, to aid healing and prevent complications. You must keep your dressings clean and dry, and your surgeon may advise you to apply a cold compress to your neck to reduce swelling. 

1 Week After Your Neck Lift

You will have your first follow-up appointment with our specialist nurses one week after your surgery. They will remove your stitches and inspect your incisions to ensure you are healing well. Your incisions will be re-dressed and they will provide more advice on how to take care of your dressings and answer any questions.

You will still have some swelling and bruising at this stage, but any tightness will be subsiding. Most patients can return to work – if you have a strenuous occupation, your surgeon will ask you to take slightly longer off. 

1 Month After Your Neck Lift

One month after your Neck Lift, any swelling and bruising should now be healed. You will have full mobility back in your neck. Your scars may still look slightly red, but this will resolve with time. 

6 Weeks After Your Neck Lift

You will return to the clinic to meet with your surgeon to discuss your initial results and recovery six weeks after your procedure.

At this stage, most patients can return to their usual daily activities, including exercise. If, for any reason, your surgeon feels you need a longer neck surgery recovery time, they will discuss this with you.

Your surgeon will also provide advice on scar care, and may suggest using silicone tape or gel to help flatten the scarring and lighten the colour so it becomes less visible. 

6 Months After Your Neck Lift

After six months, you will be completely healed from your Neck Lift, and your scarring should be significantly less visible. It is important to remember that everyone scars differently, so you may need slightly more or less time for your scars to blend in thoroughly with your skin tone.

If you need assistance after this point, you can still contact the clinic at any time with any questions, and we will be able to provide support. 


Do’s and Don’ts After Neck Lift

Your surgeon will give you a set of aftercare instructions to follow during your Neck Lift recovery. It is essential that you follow these instructions as they will optimise your healing and results, and prevent complications from occurring.

Although there is some standard advice to follow during your Neck Lift recovery, your surgeon may also give you personalised advice to cover certain aspects of your life, such as when you will safely be able to pick up your children, or return to an active or strenuous job. 

What You Should Do Following a Neck Lift

Rest: Getting enough rest is crucial to reduce swelling, aid healing and prevent any complications from arising

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps to reduce swelling and prevents fluid retention around the surgical site.

Wear your compression garments: If your surgeon has recommended wearing compression garments, it is important to wear them as instructed. This will protect your incisions, reduce swelling and improve your surgical results.

Attend your post-operative appointments: Your post-operative appointments will be pre-booked for when your surgery is scheduled. It is crucial that you attend them so your surgeon and nurses can monitor your recovery comprehensively. 

What You Shouldn’t Do After a Neck Lift

Strenuous activity: Even if you feel well enough before the six-week mark, it is vital that you don’t undertake any strenuous activity or exercise too early, as this can put pressure on your incisions and may lead to complications.

Expose your incisions to UV: Excessive exposure to UV rays, such as sun exposure or sun beds, can slow down the healing process and may impact the final appearance of your scarring, making it darker and more visible. Protect your surgical site with protective clothing and sunscreen while you are outside.

Eat too much salt: A diet high in sodium may result in fluid retention, which could exacerbate swelling. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet will assist your healing. 


How Painful is a Neck Lift?

Most patients only experience mild discomfort following a Neck Lift. This is typically manageable with painkillers and resolves within 7-10 days.

Some patients do feel a tight sensation around their neck, which occasionally feels worse when swallowing. This should improve within a few days after surgery. If you have difficulty swallowing due to the tight feeling, try eating soft foods for the first few days of your neck surgery recovery time.

If you have any concerns about your Neck Lift recovery or are worried about any discomfort you are experiencing, our specialist nurses’ aftercare phone line is open 24 hours a day to offer support and advice. 

What Neck Lift Aftercare Support Does Cadogan Clinic Provide?

Cadogan Clinic includes comprehensive recovery and aftercare support as part of every surgical package we offer. Our expert surgeons and specialist nurses prioritise providing the highest standards of surgical care at every stage of your Neck Lift surgery to ensure you achieve the best results.

Your surgical team will provide details of our dedicated 24-hour aftercare phone line, which our specialist nurses provide, so you can access aftercare support throughout your recovery.

You will also have a series of post-operative appointments to monitor your recovery and results, reassuring you throughout your Neck Lift recovery that you are healing well and on the right track.

If you are interested in Neck Lift surgery at Cadogan Clinic, please get in touch with our specialist surgical patient advisors, who will arrange a consultation with one of our consultant plastic surgeons. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

Understanding the Neck Lift recovery process is crucial when considering this transformational surgery. Your surgeon will show you photos demonstrating how your scars may appear and how long they may take to fully heal as well as providing personalised guidance on how to adapt your daily activities throughout your recovery and aftercare. Prioritising your recovery process will ensure you achieve your desired Neck Lift results and avoid any complications.
Mr. Bryan Mayou


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