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What is Fat Transfer?

Also known as Fat Grafting, Fat Transfer is a surgical procedure which increases volume in the face, breasts and body, and improves skin condition. This results in a youthful, natural result and is often chosen as a permanent alternative to procedures involving implants or Dermal Fillers.

Fat Transfer procedures involve extracting unwanted fat from various areas of the body using Liposuction. The fat is then processed to remove impurities and reinjected into the desired area.

Popular areas to be treated with Fat Transfer include:

Fat Transfer recovery time can vary significantly depending on the extent of the Liposuction involved in your procedure, and the amount of fat being reinjected. Facial Fat Transfer recovery will typically be shorter and less involved than fat transfer to buttocks recovery time, or breast fat transfer recovery time. 


What Will Happen After My Fat Transfer Procedure?

Immediately following your Fat Transfer procedure, your surgical team will take you into our Recovery ward for the first stage of your recovery. Our specialist nurses will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and temperature and ensure you are comfortable while you wake up from your anaesthetic or sedation.

Once you have woken up and are comfortable, you will move into our ambulatory ward. You will have something to eat and drink in your own room and will continue your recovery with our nurses on hand to assist you. Once our nurses are satisfied that you are ready to be discharged, they will talk you through your aftercare instructions and medication, and your chaperone will collect you. 


Fat Grafting Recovery Timeline

Fat Grafting recovery time depends on the amount of fat extracted using Liposuction and the amount injected into the requested areas.  

For any Fat Transfer procedure, there are key recovery points you can expect to meet. Your surgeon will discuss these key recovery points with you before your surgery and provide personalised advice for anything that specifically affects you or your Fat Grafting recovery time. 

2-3 Days After Fat Transfer

Resting for the first few days following any Fat Transfer procedure is essential. During this time, the injected fat will start to establish blood flow and incorporate with the pre-existing fat in the surgical area.

Many patients report an itching sensation during the first 10-14 days of Fat Grafting recovery. In larger procedures, such as Fat Transfer to the Buttocks or Fat Transfer to the Breast, the skin can feel tight or stretched. However, pain tends to peak during the first 48 hours of recovery and will then improve. 

1-2 Weeks After Fat Transfer

You will have your first post-operative appointment with our specialist nurses, one week after your Fat Transfer procedure. They will inspect your incisions and clean and re-dress your surgical sites. Not every Fat Transfer procedure involves stitches, but if your surgeon has used them, they will be removed.

You will still have some swelling and bruising at this stage, and it is crucial to wear your compression garments as instructed to protect your incisions and reduce the swelling. However, any itching and pain should now be resolved. 

1 Month After Fat Transfer

One month after some smaller procedures, such as Facial Fat Transfer, Hip Dip Surgery or Fat Transfer to Hands, any swelling and bruising will have subsided, and you should be almost entirely healed. You may still need to wait slightly longer to know how much fat your body has accepted from the surgery, and whether you wish to undergo a follow-up procedure.

Any bruising should be healed for more extensive procedures such as Fat Transfer to Buttocks and Fat Transfer to Breasts, but there may still be some swelling. You will still be required to wear your compression garments or post-surgery bra, and if you’ve had Fat Transfer to Buttocks, you will still be using your BBL pillow to prevent excess pressure on the surgical site. 

6 Weeks After Fat Transfer

You will meet with your surgeon six weeks after your procedure to discuss your recovery and initial Fat Grafting results. You may still have some swelling, and your Fat Transfer may not have fully settled yet, so you may require another post-operative appointment to discuss your final results. 

3 Months After Fat Transfer

After three months, your fat graft will have been fully incorporated into the surgical area. It is important to remember that you can lose up to 50% of the injected fat during your Fat Transfer recovery time. If the amount of fat your body has accepted doesn’t match your desired results, you may choose to have a follow-up procedure to increase the volume of the treated area.

You can stop wearing your compression garments and using your BBL pillow at this stage. 

6 Months After Fat Transfer

After six months, your Fat Transfer results following more extensive Fat Transfer procedures will be complete, and you will be able to enjoy your results.  

If you have any questions or concerns after this stage, you can contact Cadogan Clinic anytime for support. 


Dos and Don’ts After Fat Transfer Surgery

Your surgeon will discuss your Fat Transfer recovery instructions during your consultation. Although there are some standard guidelines to follow during your Fat Transfer recovery time, your surgeon may provide a personalised recovery timeline to cover any specific aspects of your daily activities or lifestyle.

It is essential that you follow your consultant's instructions to achieve your desired before and after Fat Transfer results and avoid any complications. 

What You Should Do During Fat Transfer Recovery

Rest: Resting, especially during your initial Fat Grafting recovery, is essential to aid healing and prevent complications.

Wear your compression garments: If your surgeon has instructed you to wear compression garments, it is important to follow their directions. Compression garments protect your incisions, support the surgical area, and reduce swelling.

Drink plenty of water: Being dehydrated can affect your body’s ability to heal effectively. Drinking plenty of water will help the healing process, reduce swelling, and prevent fluid buildup.

Maintain a healthy weight: Following Fat Transfer surgery, it is crucial to maintain a healthy weight to maintain the results of your procedure. 

What You Shouldn’t Do During Fat Transfer Recovery

Strenuous activity or exercise: You should avoid any strenuous activity, including lifting, bending or exercise throughout your Fat Grafting recovery time to prevent putting strain on your surgical area

Place excessive pressure on the surgical site: It is crucial to avoid putting excessive pressure on the surgical site to prevent the injected fat from moving or the shape your surgeon has created becoming deformed. This may include adjusting your sleeping position or using a specialist pillow.

Eat too much salt: A diet high in sodium can lead to fluid retention, which may worsen swelling. Eating a balanced diet high in nutrients and protein will aid healing and recovery.

Expose the treated areas to UV: UV exposure from the sun or sources such as sun beds can negatively affect scarring, resulting in darkening of the area, which can be challenging to resolve. During your Fat Transfer recovery time, it is important to protect the area with clothing and sunscreen. 


Fat Transfer to Face Recovery

Fat Transfer to Face is a popular procedure to target concerns such as loss of volume, sagging cheeks and lines and wrinkles. The regenerative capabilities of Fat Transfer can actively treat ageing concerns, leaving skin looking smoother and youthful. As the results are permanent, Fat Transfer to Face is often chosen as an alternative to Dermal Fillers.

Popular facial areas for Fat Grafting treatment include:

  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Under the eyes

Facial Fat Transfer recovery is typically similar to the timeline we have given above; however, there are differences to consider.  

  • Your Facial Fat Grafting recovery will take 4-6 weeks, depending on other procedures that were carried out at the same time.
  • Fat Transfer to Face involves smaller treatment areas, with smaller amounts of fat injected. Fat Transfer to Face recovery is usually shorter than in more extensive Fat Grafting procedures.
  • Although smaller amounts of fat are typically injected during a Fat Transfer to Face procedure, you may still opt to have more extensive Liposuction treatment to remove unwanted fat from different areas of your body. 

Fat Transfer to Breast Recovery

Fat Transfer to Breast, also known as Natural Breast Augmentation, is an alternative to Breast Enlargement with implants. Patients opt for Fat Transfer instead of implants as it gives a very natural result and, unlike implants, doesn’t need future procedures for replacement or removal.

Breast Fat Transfer recovery time is similar to the general Fat Transfer recovery timeline. There are some differences which it is important to understand:

  • Initial Breast Fat Transfer recovery time is 6-8 weeks, very similar to Breast Enlargement with implants. However, it takes three months for your body to accept the fat graft, and you will need to wait until this is complete to see your final results.
  • Your surgeon will ask you to wear a surgical bra for up to 8 weeks following your procedure to protect your surgical results. 

Fat Transfer to Body Recovery

Fat Transfer to Body is a highly versatile procedure targeting many concerns.

Fat Transfer to Body procedures include:

  • Fat Transfer to Buttocks – also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Fat Transfer to Hips – also known as Hip Dip Surgery
  • Fat Transfer to Hands – a popular procedure for tackling the signs of ageing on hands

Fat Transfer to Body procedures are so varied that their recovery and aftercare can also be different from the typical Fat Transfer recovery timeline.

  • Fat Transfer to Buttocks recovery time is usually the most involved as there are typically up to 5 areas of Liposuction, and a significant amount of fat is injected.
  • Fat Transfer to Buttocks recovery involves wearing compression garments to support and protect the surgical site, and also using a BBL pillow to prevent excess pressure being placed on the buttocks.
  • Fat Transfer to Hips involves injecting small to moderate amounts of fat, but larger quantities can be extracted. Fat Transfer to Hips recovery is typically 4-6 weeks, depending on the full extent of the procedure.
  • Fat Transfer to Hands recovery is usually 3-4 weeks. Small amounts of fat are injected into the hands. It is important to remember that, especially for the first 7 days of recovery, the mobility of your hands may be limited. 

Is Fat Transfer Painful?

Most patients report that Fat Transfer recovery is straightforward and the pain is manageable. However, the discomfort following more extensive procedures may be greater than after smaller procedures. The pain following Fat Grafting is usually at its worst in the first 2-3 days and will subside within 7-10 days.

It is expected to experience an itching sensation following Fat Transfer as the injected fat establishes a blood supply. This will usually resolve in around 14 days. 

What Fat Transfer Recovery Support Does Cadogan Clinic Provide?

Cadogan Clinic is a specialist Liposuction and Fat Transfer clinic. Our founder and consultant surgeon, Mr Bryan Mayou, introduced Liposuction to the UK forty years ago and has continued to be at the forefront of developing Liposuction and Fat Transfer techniques ever since.  

We offer specialised Fat Transfer recovery support. Our dedicated nurses are trained in cosmetic surgery and provide the highest-quality care. Following your Fat Transfer surgery, you will be given the details of our nurses’ recovery and aftercare phone line, available 24 hours a day.

You will also have a series of aftercare appointments with your surgeon and our nurses to support you through your Fat Transfer recovery. 

Words From Our Founder

Mr. Bryan Mayou

I have been very excited to see the development of Fat Transfer techniques since I introduced Liposuction to the UK over four decades ago. I have always focused on the quality of patient safety and continue to emphasise the importance of following your surgeon’s aftercare instructions to achieve the highest quality results and prevent complications.
Mr. Bryan Mayou


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