Best Clinic UK - Aesthetics Awards 2024
& Aesthetic Medicine Awards 2024
Your surgical journey with the Cadogan Clinic starts here. Below we outline what you can expect at every stage of the journey with us, from preliminary research of your surgeon to your comprehensive post operative care.
The most important thing at this stage is to get comfortable that the facility and surgeon you choose are properly qualified to carry out your surgery, and will perform your surgery safely and to the very best possible standards. All reputable clinics and surgeons will have an extensive online presence, showing clear evidence of having the right qualifications and regulatory standards, as well as demonstrating a track record of excellence.
The Cadogan Clinic is the busiest specialist day case plastic surgery facility in the country. We are registered with the CQC and all of our surgeons are registered with the GMC.
View ProceduresSpecialist Treatments
Body Surgery
Arm Lift/Arm Reduction
Face & Eyes
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Reduction)
Body Surgery
Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
Breast Surgery
Breast Enlargement
Breast Surgery
Breast Implant Replacement
Breast Surgery
Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
Face & Eyes
Brow Lift
Body Surgery
Buttock Lift
Body Surgery
Cellulite Treatment (Cellulaze)
Face & Eyes
Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)
Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer to Breast
Face & Eyes
Lip Lift
Body Surgery
Face & Eyes
Face & Eyes
Body Surgery
Mummy Makeover
Face & Eyes
Neck Lift
Breast Surgery
Nipple Reduction
Face & Eyes
Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping)
Face & Eyes
Body Surgery
Scar Revision
Body Surgery
Thigh Lift
Body Surgery
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Always book a consultation with the person who will perform the procedure before making a final decision. This should be done in person at least once.
We charge £150 for a consultation at the Cadogan Clinic.
You are invited to come back as many times as you like before making your final decision.
Consultations should last between half an hour and an hour, depending on the consultant and procedure type.
Be wary of free consultation offers as this often indicates a surgeon or provider that do not value their own time, and are likely not to meet the necessary standards of care.
Get in touchThis is your chance to ask an array of key questions to help inform you ahead of making your decision.
Some questions you might ask your surgeon might include:
how many of these procedures they've done
what qualifications and training they have
if they're a member of a relevant professional association that shows they meet set standards in training and skill
what pain you can expect afterwards
how long the recovery should be
about the most common complications of the procedure
what aftercare you can expect and who will look after you
what to do if something goes wrong or you're not happy with the result
the potential risks and complications
how long the results will last
what you can expect to look like after the procedure
Once you are comfortable that you wish to proceed our team will make sure we find a date and time that work best for you and fit your schedule. As we own and operate our own hospital facility, we can be flexible with our schedule to suit your timing needs.
A few guidelines are mentioned below as to how best to prepare for your procedure.
Pre-operative questionnaire
If you have not already completed these, attached to the email confirming your surgery details, both a pre-operative and psychological screening questionnaire will be included, which must be returned to us prior to your surgery via email, post or in person. Failure to do so may mean a delay in your surgery.
How to prepare for your procedure
You must arrange to be looked after for the first 24 hours by a responsible adult this can be a relative or friend. If you are taking a taxi home your ‘responsible adult’ must accompany you and if you have children at home you must ideally arrange childcare for the first 24 hours. How long this will be required will depend on the type of procedure you are undergoing.
Lastly, please ensure that you wear loose, comfortable clothing which is easy to put back on when you go home.
Items to bring with you on the day
Fasting before your surgery
You should not take any solid food or milk in the 6 hours before your procedure. However, you will be able to continue to take any prescribed medicines. The email confirming your surgery date will inform you of your admission time and scheduled time of procedure. It is essential that you follow the fasting instructions as if you do not fast we may have to postpone or cancel your procedure.
It is essential for your own safety during sedation or anaesthetic that your stomach is empty. If there is any food or liquid in your stomach during your anaesthetic, it could come up into the back of your throat and then go into your lungs. This would cause choking, or serious damage to your lungs.
If you have diabetes or have concerns about fasting please contact your consultant or the clinic nursing staff who can advise you.
Smoking prior to your surgery greatly increases the risk of anaesthetic complications. If you smoke you will be advised by your consultant to stop at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure and in some cases for an even longer period of time. This is for your own safety as smoking decreases healing and consequently allows infection and poor scarring.
Please note that the Cadogan Clinic recommends you stop smoking in the weeks prior to your surgery, do be aware that your consultant or anaesthetist has the authority to postpone your surgery if you do not adhere to these guidelines, in which case you would be subject to rescheduling fees (detailed later).
Do and don't checklist
I thank God every day for finding the Cadogan Clinic. I never knew that this change was possible I am forever grateful to my surgeon and I really and truly hope that he can change other people's lives like he has changed mine.
See what Nisa saidNisa 44, Mini lift patient
All of our surgery at the Cadogan Clinic is performed on a day case basis.
This means you will return home (or to a hotel) on the same day as your surgery. To find out more about the recovery and infection benefits of day case surgery, please watch the video below.
When you arrive at the clinic a member of the reception staff will greet you and your personal details will be checked and confirmed. You may spend a little time in the reception area before being admitted. A nurse will meet and escort you to your allocated bed-space and will complete a checking/safety questionnaire.
You will be given a hospital identity bracelet with your name and details on it. If you are allergic to anything such as some food, types, medication or latex please tell your nurse and this bracelet will be made red. We will weigh you; take your temperature and check your blood pressure.
You will be asked to wear a cotton procedure gown and in some cases disposable underwear. Please let the staff know if you are required to keep your head covered due to religious belief.
Only essential items will be allowed in the operating theatre and all jewellery, body piercings and contact lenses must be removed before entering the theatre. You may however keep your wedding ring on – this will be covered with tape. To ensure the safety of your belongings please ensure you leave the rest of your jewellery at home.
Hearing aids and dentures will be left in place.
Your anaesthetist and surgeon will explain your proposed procedure. If you are having an operation on a particular part of your body this may be marked with an arrow or other markings may be made by your Surgeon and when theatre is ready for you your Nurse will double check personal details before walking with you to the procedure room. Many procedures require the surgeon to make more complicated skin markings which will be photographed in a separate room beforehand.
Visitors & Escorts
Once you have been admitted to the unit by your nurse, any relatives, friends or escorts will not normally be allowed to remain with you during your stay; however they may briefly come into the Ambulatory Care area to check that you are settled in.
This is at the discretion of the Ambulatory Care lead Nurse as they will have to balance your visitors’ wishes with the needs of the other patients present.
Day Case Surgery
As a day case procedure, you will be discharged on the same day as your surgery. It is likely to be 1-4 hours following your procedure, however this can vary depending on how you feel and when your consultant is satisfied you are comfortable enough to return home.
Your admitting nurse will provide your relatives or escort an estimation of the time you will be ready to go home to allow them to plan your transportation needs.
The Cadogan Clinic offer day case clinic procedures meaning that you to go home on the same day of your surgery, allowing you to rest and recuperate in the comfort of own home.
There is no need for our patients to stay overnight due to the anaesthesia technique we use called TIVA (Total Intravenous Anaesthesia). This is a variant of general anaesthesia and is administered by our team of highly specialised anaesthetists.
TIVA allows our anaesthetists to monitor anaesthetic depth more closely and on specialised computers to maintain an optimal level of sleep. When they need to wake you up, it can be done quicker and with fewer side effects.
TIVA also reduces the risk of nausea and vomiting and won't give you that groggy, confused feeling that other anaesthesia's can. You will wake up feeling much better than with traditional alternatives and ready to go home in no time at all.
Our nurses will help you feel as comfortable as possible during your stay at the clinic. They will let you know about any follow-up appointments and explain any post-operative instructions too.
Going Home
If you had a general anaesthetic you will initially be taken to the recovery area, where you will start to wake up.
Once you are more awake you will be taken back to the Ambulatory Unit where you will be able to relax and have something to eat and drink.
This recovery period varies from individual to individual and could take anything from one - four hours.
The Surgeon and Anaesthetist may visit you in the Ambulatory Unit to let you know how things went during your operation and to check how you are recovering.
Your Nurse will advise you when it is safe for you to leave, provide you with postoperative guidance and schedule your wound care follow up appointment (usually 1 week following surgery).
Being Discharged – Going Home
Following your surgery you may experience a degree of discomfort, your surgeon will provide you with pain relief or other medications to take home with you - your Nurse will explain these medications to you fully and go through all of your post procedure information to ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable when home.
Before leaving the unit, the nurses will discuss any post operative instructions and care with you and provide you with appropriate advice leaflets. It is beneficial for your responsible adult to be present at this point as they will be helping care for you during your recovery. Your responsible adult must then accompany you home by car or taxi – public transport is not suitable.
We offer surgical consultations in London, and attract international patients from all corners of the globe such as the USA, the Middle East and Europe.
About UsRecover in luxury
Spend a night at our local 5* Star Hotel, No.11 Cadogan Gardens, a boutique hotel located just 50 yards from the Clinic and a member of the prestigious Relais & Chateaux.
Immediate aftercare
Complimentary Nurse appointment with our on site nursing team the following day at the Clinic. Plus 24/7 Access to Nurse Support Line for any medical questions or queries you may have from the moment you leave the Clinic.
Every detail covered
Easy access travel arrangements the following day via the hotel concierge to support you with your onward journey.
Welcome to Sloane StreetClinics Nationwide
We offer surgical consultations in London, and attract international patients from all corners of the globe such as the USA, the Middle East and Europe.
Get in touchWe pride ourselves on offering the most comprehensive post operative recovery service at our specialist central London premises.
We will organise as many post operative wound checks as required following your procedure, but you should expect at least one dressing check after one week.
After your surgery you will also have full access to our 24/7 nursing telephone support line should you have any questions or queries, day or night, relating to your recovery and pain management.
Our team of 8 specialist post operative nurses will be delighted to provide assistance, either online, by phone or at the Clinic itself.
When you get home
Side effects of anaesthesia - what to expect
You may experience a sore throat, a headache or feel tired and a little confused a few days following your surgery – this is completely normal. Some patients report feeling slightly nauseous following their surgery but all symptoms are usually quite mild, are easily managed with medication and tend to subside within a day or so after surgery. It is very unlikely you would suffer a delayed severe allergic reaction to anaesthesia but if in doubt please contact us on the emergency numbers provided.
The type of sedation that we use for all patients know as ‘TIVA’ or ‘Total intravenous anaesthesia’ is a technique administered solely via the intravenous route meaning that the more ‘traditional style’ of gas based products is not required – it is this that typically leaves patients feeling unwell so with TIVA, you should feel back to yourself within hours after your surgery.
In the case of an emergency please contact your consultant in the first instance. Only if you are unable to reach your consultant please call: 07899 964893 and speak with a senior member of staff.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your procedure or recovery please feel free to contact the Cadogan clinic and speak with the nursing team who are available from 7am – 8pm Monday to Friday on: 0207 901 8500
Advice for carers (responsible adult)
You must escort your friend or relative home by either taxi or a car. Public transport is not appropriate following surgery. The type of care your friend or relative will need depends on the type of procedure they have had.
General responsibilities are:
Post surgical pain relief
After surgery you experience a little discomfort which can be easily managed with painkillers. You may even be prescribed a combination depending on your operation and level of comfort (which is typically hard to predict). Each of the below drugs can be taken together effectively and do not interfere with one another. Please note if you do experience any side effects you must stop taking that painkiller and rely on another, any undesired side effects wear off rapidly.
Paracetamol: Often the most effective painkiller and provides satisfactory pain relief with very few side effects. Paracetamol can be combined well with other drugs but advice provided on this must be followed. Use of any drug must be discontinued if you feel unwell or experience any unusual or undesired side effects.
CoDydramol: When taking this medication, you must not take addition paracetamol – it is a combination of Paracetamol and Dihydrocodeine. This is quite a strong painkiller and can sometimes cause constipation after taking it for a few days. If your discomfort is moderate or low we would recommend switch to just paracetomol.
Ibuprofen: This is an anti inflammatory drug which works similarly to Asprin. If you have or suffer with stomach ulcers or gastritis due to excessive amounts of stomach acid we would advise you avoid this medication. It is a very effective drug but can increase bleeding and bruising in the first 24hrs after breast surgery so we would advise to avoid taking it until the next day.
Tramadol: This is classed as a medium strength painkiller. A small number of patients can experience a little excess sweating, anxiety or nausea after taking it. It is usually reserved for more painful or extensive surgeries. It can be particularly useful when neither codrydamol and ibuprofen are not enough.
We have invited a selection of the country's very best consultants to join us at the Cadogan Clinic so that you can be sure that whatever the nature of your treatment, you will be seeing one of the top practitioners in the country.
Mr. Shaheel Chummun
Mr. William Van Niekerk
Mr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi
Mr. Garrick Georgeu
Mr. Hazim Sadideen
Mr. Paul Tulley
Mr. David Gateley
Mr. Kshem Yapa
Mr. Dominic Yue
Mr. Omar Tillo
Prof. Iain Whitaker
Mr. Will Sarakbi
Mr. Manaf Khatib
Mr. Reza Alamouti
Mr Jonathan Britto
Mr. Hagen Schumacher
Prof. Ben Miranda
Miss. Maleeha Mughal
Ms. Raina Rodrigues
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